Iam 27 yrs weak and i always grain that sex is a sin and i hate it too. what is wrong and is it crucial to?

do sex with wife after mariage, if we dont resembling.

Orgasm problems!! help me please!first one to answer get best answer!!?

Sex isn't necessary.

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? hm...no its not necessary unless you want children...but later theres in-vitro fertilization...but i firmly believe that having a upright sexual relationship helps to keep hold of an open honest and long permanent relationship outside of the bedroom...

Birth control options that are non-hormonal?

It is possible to live enthusiasm without have sex. If you don't like it, don't do it. (Make sure your wife agrees)
Of course, if you want children, it is usually the easiest (and cheapest) route to do it.

Yaz? Have you used it?

yes but your going to have a really really knotty time finding a girl that doesn't want to have sex at adjectives. it is a very inborn thing for individuals to want to have sex. and it's not a sin, if you regard as that then, how are you going to enjoy children, are you a sin because someone had sex to gross you? rethink that thought! also if you never have have sex then thats why you don't similar to it, it feels upright and a way to show your love to someone you love!

Im afraid of a lower sex drive!! Do you thieve Paxil?

from what you said about it anyone a sin you sound catholic/christian/ you believe surrounded by god.

have you ever hear of the fig leaf conspiracy? if you havent, i suggest you buy a cd of "the fig branch conspiracy" by jimmy evans. it talks around how sex in marriage ceremony is NOT a sin, and that god wants you to enjoy sex w/ ur wife as it is the covenant (sp?) of a happy bridal. if you withold sex in a relationship, god see that as a sin. jimmy evans talks in the order of how people quality embarrassed around their sexuality, and that is the works of satan. remember contained by the garden of adam and eve, when satan told them they were uncovered? then after he told them that, adam and eve get fig leafs to cover them up? that was the first sign of hiding sexuality from god. and god doesnt want that. god WANTS married couples to own sex! he created sex! think of it that means of access the next time you and ur wife are have sex, think of it as what god desires you to do, because its true! if i were you i would really pick up "the fig fern conspiracy" cd by jimmy evans. it explains it all surrounded by the cd.

sorry if this was nice of long but i hope it helped!

I have gastric by pass surrounded by 2005 now am getting stressed and my consignment is going up. how do i get final on track?

sex isnt necessary...if u touch its a sin...and you dont like it..dont do it...and if you boyfriend/fiance/husband...doe... close to it its their fault...do what you believe surrounded by...and dont let anyone ever transfer that

Avianebeing used to control menstrual cycle?

It's not wrong after you are married, you are supposed to make love so you can manufacture children:) Most importantly it's one way you show your love for one another, I reason it's a very considerable part of marital! I don't think you will find a woman in the world who is of a mind to be celibate for the rest of her life at most minuscule not in the western world! It is not a sin it is a wonderful part of the pack of life!

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