Are in that ways to end period quicker?

I know I know the cylcle and everything. But i'm just wandering. Because I know near are excersizes that can be done to slow it down abit but is there anything that will cause the bleeding faster so it could end sooner.

My pee be dark..?

Not at adjectives

Girls Only?

I've no idea but if you find out tolerate me know!

Why does my crotch bleed every month?

if your on the pill it reduces it

Bras be aware of like they are bruising me.?

No sorry nil you can do..You have to business with it..

Help me??

Get the plumbing removed, or find menopause drugs.

Past few months I be experiencing night sweating due to over heatiness.?

some birth control pills will label it shorter *possibly* but its not a given. i still have it 7-8 days on the pill (and i've tried a bunch of different brands).

Does it hert when you hold sex for the first time?

I don't know your age, but you might think roughly using DepoPrevera shots (once every three months for birth control) and you don't get your period at all..or terrifically light. Talk to your OB/GYN. Otherwise, your body is lately going to do what it does, which isn't a bad entry - just a cramp! Good luck to you!

Is it bad to suntan in a tanning bed while your on your extent?

i'm not mocking you, promise, but i have hear that frequent orgasms during your priod will speed it up. i have no impression if this is true or not, but i'm sure it's worth a look. good luck

Please sustain i asked a question a while ago something like condoms being used after the expiry date i own taken 3?

There are birthcontrols that get rid of your interval. If you're taking one that has an bad week. Just skip the last week and start a investigational pack and your period will be skipped. Exercising largely helps trademark you flow lighter.
Orgasams help you spell come out fast at the begining but don't do anything towards th extremity.

Hormonal imbalance, what cause it?

pills can actually shorten your interval before i used to hold it like for 7-8 days but when i be on the pill it became 3-4 days..also you can try to drink more cola on those days it help release blood faster.

What is the permanent solution for fibroids?(age=38, mother, is it to remove fibroid or uterus..please)?

i've hear that having an orgasm speeds up your time of year because it causes your uterus to contract

What are the symptoms of a sudden drop contained by blood pressure?

U cannot control the nature. U can however stop it altogether by taking pills.

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