Female near body acne?

I have be to the doctor plenty of times now almost my body acne. I get it adjectives over my chest and back. I am set to wearing t-shirts becuase i break out in pimples all over my boobs, chest, nouns , face and pay for. It is embarrassing and i miss dressing up in cute shirts. My doc puts me on antibiotics and give me creams but once the antibiotis are gone, it comes right back. The creams do not work, adjectives they do is bleach my bedsheets and towels, which is VERY annoying!

Does anybody have any suggestions or at home remedies?


Ladies solely pls- personal question more or less abortion?

My daughter is on LoestrinFE (birth control pill) and it has help her acne, including the back acne. Make sure you are not using soap, except beneath the arms, genitals and feet. Otherwise, use something resembling Basis soap or Cetaphil. Do not rub your acne with a washcloth, ever. Be incredibly gentle to your skin.

4 week long term and counting!?

I don't know how old you are, but when I be 16-17 I used to have it pretty impossible on my back. Nothing that the doctor give me ever really worked for me so I just benign of waited for it to shift away. And it did. By the time I was 18 or so I didn't enjoy it anymore.

I still get occasional breakouts, though not nearly as discouraging. I use Neutregena Acne Body Wash and it works really well. They also enjoy a body scrub that I like. Maybe you could try those? Good luck!

Anyone else on Cerazette that doesn't mind me asking them of within exp with it?

i hold the same problem and im 14. my dermatolgist told me the prescription have to have be used 4 three months at least to see in. mine have been 2 1/2 months and have started a littte. dont stop using til yur last bacne have been gone 4 a long time that path it wont come back and in that isnt bacne to start a spread

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