Why do I feel sleepy, extremely sleepy during the day? Im a healthy 20yr old.?

Im a college student and I surface veyr fit.. but i go and get extrememly sleeping during the afternoons. I sleep economically and I drink moral. I dont know whats going on.. can you moniker some of the possible rreason?

Can you have a feeling your uterus fundus?

u influence u sleep powerfully.but do u enjoy a stability within ur everyday natural life? do u purloin time out or r u constantly busy studyin/doin assignments? Student energy is hectic so it cud freshly be sheer mental fatigue thats get u down..u also speak u get through perfect but try increasing ur intake of B-vitamins...but move about 4 a full check up jst to b on the locked side.

I am a 30ish yr. feeble girl who is horny "adjectives the time". I'm afraid that I'm gonna eliminate my husband. Any comfort?

I would freshly walk to the doctor and bring back some blood work done. There are literally hundreds of things that could be going on... Good Luck!


you might be anemic. anemia is when you dont own as plentiful blood cell as you obligation. relations that are anemic tend to consistency tired or languorous even if they are getting satisfactory rest or a consumption all right. you should budge to the doctor and return with tested for it because it can become totally serious.

Plz support explain :(?

Maybe b/c you procure up terribly hasty, your anemic and undersized and or you obligation coffee, lots and lots and lots of coffeeeeeeeeer! only close to me im 19 i drink lots of coffee.

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maybe u should run to the doc. thats kinda grotesque. did it JUST start?.sorry, i dont no wat it could be. well-mannered luck!

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There's plenty that can be going on. You could enjoy low iron, you could be pregnant, you could own low blood glucose, near could be a parasite. Girl, travel grasp checked out.
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