Terrible, extremely bad period cramps. anything that can lend a hand?

i have tried everything and zilch seems to work. i can't even focus contained by school they are so impossible. PLEASE HELP!


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If you enjoy tried every kind of niggle reliever made on a regular 4 to 6 hour time frame during the cramping, then its time to budge see a gynecologist. You could have an ovarian cyst, fibroids, endometriosis, or any other record of things. The doctor can examine you and possibly do an ultrasound on your uterus to see what is going on in there. Don't suffer contained by pain, get hold of some help.

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Mydol and warm tea and melt blanket and a good sleep =hope it works for you

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I'm sure you've tried Ibuprofen. If not, try advil solution gel. They work pretty fast and work ably on me.

But if you've tried everything over-the-counter and still don't help. You may want to have a chat to MD.

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Have you gone to see your doctor. They may prescribe you some Birth Control pills to help

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a heat pad an rest also might wanna settle to ur dr if they to bad

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The things that have helped me through the years is 1. a heat pad. 2. some mode of hot drink,(tea,coco,coffee) and a couple Tylenol. try it .it cant hurt.

How to do this?

600 mg of ibuprofren (3 advil or motrin's) every 6 hours. Put a heating wipe on your abdomen. Work out - it kick up your endorphins which releive pain. If it's reallly outrageous, have yourself put on the pill. It reduce blood flow and is great at tackling cramps.

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I take ibuprofen. I pocket it 1 pill the day beforehand my period is supposed to "visit" and afterwards when it starts i take 2-3. When i am at home I put a heat pad, such as for vertebrae pain on the nouns where it hurts. I enjoy passed out from cramps that are so bad. hope this help.

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When I first started getting my period I get it really bad and have lots of cramps and pain. I would miss arts school every month because of it. My doctor put me on the pill and it made my flow lighter and my cramps almost nonexistent! I would suggest you talk to your doctor going on for going on the pill. I don't know what I would do without it!

Also, try taking some style of pain reliever or put a hot river bottle on your stomach.

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Over-the-counter aching relievers such as ibuprofen or naproxen sodium used around the clock as soon as you notice the first sign of your term help to decline the severity of cramps in several women by inhibiting the release of prostaglandins. Acetaminophen (e.g.-Tylenol) will help the stomach-ache but does not have the effect on the prostagladins.

Regular physical hum often reduce cramping in some women.

Natural progesterone may help stifle the symptoms that are causing menstrual cramps.

Supplementing your diet next to zinc and calcium has be found to reduce cramps, bloating, and related PMS symptoms.

Herbal remedies such as Viburnum prunifolium, Scutellaria spp., and Cimicifuga raemosa enjoy an antispasmodic effect that may reduce some menstrual cramps. Other adjectives herbs include cramp yelp, squaw vine, unicorn root, bromelain, evening primrose oil, and blue cohosh.

Try taking a melt bath and using aromatherapy or using a heat pad on your lower belly or back. If you don't enjoy a heating wad, a heating wad can be made by filling a sock next to rice and heating it within the microwave.

Taking time for yourself, relaxing, and letting those around you know that you are not feeling yourself will help out by reducing the stress of your everyday life that may contribute to your menstrual cramps.


Being busy like running usally works, but save try warm liquid, pain killer or get some rest.

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It might take a couple of months for the pill to affect your term; it did for me. If they aren't helping after a bit, go rear to your doctor. Different brands of birth control have different hormone level, so another one might work better for you.

Advil and Midol are wonder drugs. Heat might help, too, and they hold those nifty one time use heat pad now. Exercise, while probably the closing thing you ever want to do while crampy, help. So does orgasming, so maybe distribute masturbation a try.

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hot baths , pepermints or the oils rub them on you to soothe,
some ibprofen 800 -1200 mg will do the trick

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