Is it a big traffic if I dont wax...?

...or shave or do anything "down there"?
do guys (or other people) find that repulsive, like not shaving your legs? it never occur to me that it might be an issue until now, when it seem like everybody does it..does anybody not?

Do you look babyish for your age?

Some of us guys don't mind it hairy down in that or hairy arm pits for me keeping devout personal hygiene hairy or not is more exalted

How come she didn't bleed?

Not at all. Its your personal choice.

Umm relief?

It should not be a big deal if you choose not to shave or wax, etc. As for guys and other society who find it repulsive and make a big business deal out of it that means that they are not interested in getting to know you for who you are as a entity.

I don't shave my pubic area that normally anymore and every once in a while I shave my legs but not on a super regular font.

Is "carcinoma in situ" and "high class displaysia", both of the cervix the same item?

it is ! you need to wax sorry to be so blatent ...but the truth is we guyz judge smoooth skin is sexy ...

Why does this white liquid come out my bellybutton?

It's not a big matter. You can keep it tidy if you want, but you don't enjoy to. Some guys like the tresses... it makes a woman approaching a grown woman rather than a kid, you know? And pubic hair apparently keep out the stench of vulvan sweat.

Whats the oldest you can get your period(women only)?

as long as u verbs ur hygiene there, no hassle i guess

I sweat alot?

i see women more sexy and hot if they waxed.

I construe i got a stomach bug. i vomitted profusely yesterday. i want to eat but not sure what. any suggestions?

dont listen to guys. if you dont approaching it dont do it. ask them how theyd like to put hot wax on their ball and genitals and rip it off. I don`t know doing it sometimes as a treat for your guy is fine but dont feel forced. if he doesnt similar to you just rationale you have mane down there, he requests to be kicked to the curb anyways. and whatever population tell you, it is not more not detrimental or clean to attain rid of it. your pubis hair is here for a reason, only as your eye lashes, eyebrows, and the hair contained by your ears and nose. it help keep dirt, sweat and driftwood out of your vagina.

Hormone supplements?

I always remove my pubic tresses,arm pits..I mean c'mon that's plain disgusting,but my legs and etc..I used to wax but I be so sick of the pain that I stopped but believe me it have a big impact on yourself and others you just get the impression fresh and clean!!
plus guys presume your sexy (lol I sometimes wish they could suffer too lol !!)

filch care!

I'm really terrified that my uterus is going to fall out! I hear that it can happen. Is this a adjectives problem?

it all depends on you it is yours to do what you want. to me it doesn't business p* is p*

Can you still be pregnant if you took Plan B and even got large bleeding for a few days after taking it?

Adult guys prefer adult women adjectives grown up with adjectives the grown up bits and pieces. Trim it up a bit but don`t remove it all. Don`t believe what you read on this site most are kids who haven`t grown up nonetheless.

Which is More Painful Hysterectomy or Childbirth?

You don't have to do anything if you don't want to.

Honestly, keeping it at tiniest neatly trimmed make it more appetizing than an unkept "winterbush" – thick coat everywhere. When I'm working the oral shift, I like licking smooth, adjectives skin, where I can see the results of my force.

My wife doesn't shave "down there" or her legs and pits every day, but, when we know we will enjoy some personal time, she neatens up beside the razor and trimmer.

The full hairy legs, pits and winterbush are usually associated next to "earthy" girls. My wife says it make her feel naughtier and she get wetter just knowing what it does for me.

I approaching it clean, but I can jump into "forest dining" mode if the the call comes surrounded by.

Annoying sickness?

No, it's fine to not wax. I don't. Don't listen to the people who try and brand you feel insecure something like your body and tell you that you enjoy to do it. Plenty of women worldwide don't do it. I trim a little bit, but I check out of plenty there. Guys and what they close to are all different. From the guys I've spoken to, and read on here, they adjectives prefer different things. Some like it smooth, some really similar to hair within, and for most it isn't the most important item. When you're in a serious relationship, you can sermon to your guy about it, purloin his views into consideration. But it's your body and you should do anything makes you comfortable, not anything you think you should do only because of rumours you've heard. And if that's the most major thing for your guy surrounded by a relationship, then he's an idiot who doesn't deserve you anyway. A wearing clothes guy who really liked you would recognise it's your choice and wouldn't mind any way.

What is the christen of the product that you insert inside you on your period that is to say shaped like a cup?

no its freshly dont look nice

Question regarding my holiday and the pill?

Its equal as not shaving your legs. Having hair down in attendance is not attractive. You should shave it or get a brazilian wax. Every girl I've be with have got it done, its so much sexier.

Yaz birth control side effect give somebody the third degree?

Some guys like it shaved and others dont. It depends on my moods and the season as to if I shave or dont. My husband like it when I shave but not all the opening bald. Just trim it up.

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