What does it mean that you hold getting brownish discharge stains...?

in your underwear a few days after sex?

Breast Firming Gel Have you tried it?

it happens to me too after sex,i reckon it is from the friction of the penis against vaginal wall

How can i cure feet edema during pregnancy?



Use a condom subsequent time. that is really skanky.

How do you know the difference betwwen an ingrown fleece and something more serious?


Will i get 5'8''?

it can be freshly a UTI and at the worst case and STD
check near your OB

Sumbody plz help me and read my put somebody through the mill..im only 16 & i obligation help!?

Sometimes it is matured blood left surrounded by the uterus after menstruation. Ask you gynecologist about it to be on the risk-free side.

How can I do this?

It is best to double check this with your gynecologist freshly in travel case you do have an std or infection. It could be that during sex, especially if you simply started to have sex, are still tear your hymen and it is the dried blood discharging. May be leftover menstruation. You also can bleed a small amount after you ovulate. Or the testosterone within the semen is triggering something in your uterus to discharge a small portion of blood which mixes with your other vaginal fluids. Have it checked out to be not dangerous. It may be perfectly ordinary for you.

Menstrual Migranes?

It sounds like feeble blood but I agree with some of the other posters that you want to have this looked within to by your gyn or a primary care physician if you don't hold one.

Do some peolpe in here not know how to read?

Sorry honey it sounds approaching an STD you need to see your doctor or the nearest planned paternity ASAP

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