What's the average age of teen girls when they stop getting taller?

I was 12, & I've be 5'2" ever since then. I'm 24 immediately.

My friend said she & her sister were both 17 when they stopped getting taller. They be under 5' (a) the age of 14, & by the time they be 17, they were just about 5'8"/5'9". Why did I stop growing so early?

Answers:    I go to the doctors office once and she told me that girls usally stop growing 2 years after nearby period starts, but thats no garentee that they will still grow during those 2 years, so they might own had a next period than you.
Not teen, I hear it's 21 years old-fashioned. It's just how it is. Some ancestors grow more than others, it depends on your metabolism. That's why there are short ancestors and tall relatives in the world...
I guess its lately your genes? It's different for everyone, but an average it at 18 years old.
I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW IM 14 AND 4'9 AND IVE STOPPED GROWING. THIS PREOCUUPIES me. ison!t want to stay small. what if when i want to start to drive they utter they can't give me a license because im too short. this miffes me sour. my mom says its better to be short, yes contained by theory but still why can't i achieve the top shell.

these are the question that haut me??
my doc said 2-4 years after u start ur peroid for girls It's different for everyone depending on inheritance but on average it is about 18.
some stop growing latter than others, but it is ussually between 18 and 21. On average, most girls stop growing 6months to 2years (big gap) after the get their menstrual cycle.
However, your breasts don't stop growing until you're roughly 21 :p
About 19-20 about 19 - 20 as you get hold of older i sapose.
did you start devloping rash or something? that would probably explain it...i hear it's 16. I stopped growing early too. I'm 5'1 and I stopped growing around the age of 13. Girls stop growing at the age of 18. Boys stop growing at the age of 21.
i know some those who stopped at 15 I have have many women speak about me that they are the same loftiness as when they were 12 years frail. It happens that process a lot. I be short at 12 - 14 but by 16 years old I be almost 5'6" and am that height immediately.

I believe it is more normal for girls to stop growing more rapidly than boys. I know my nieces are very high-ceilinged for their age and have be since very babyish. In middle school they be taller than many boys but by glorious school the boys have caught up.

In common, everything is individual and the statistics you hear are usually a range. Girls across the world stop growing between 12 - 16. Of course there are exceptions. So you did not stop growing untimely, you stopped when you were supposed to.

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