Period minister to?

I am not sure but I think I get my period (for the first time) i be going to the bathroom and when I looked at my toilet paper it have a little blood on it but none be on my it my period?

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it could be and it could not be. it depends on how much blood. i got my interval the first time last july, and i have VERY little (like 2 drops per day for approaching 3 days) in my underwear, unsurprisingly the next time i have way more but that newly goes to show that it could of be it ;o

i advise you to freshly put some toilet paper contained by your underwear for now, because you don't want to budge out and buy pads if you don't own it. how old are you? anywhere from around 10+ is pretty mundane.

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maybe yes, u caught it in time! fail to acknowledge the first answer this website is to help you if you dont have a feeling you can talk to someone obverse to face


it might be. it depends on what it looked approaching and how much there be. how much is a little? and stuff approaching that. best thing to do is ask your mother or some other womanly who is close to you.

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yea probably this normal!!?

where a wipe just within case :|

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well what happened after that? you should put a panty liner on lately to be safe because alot of girls start out really wispy the first day or so of theyre interval, of nothing else happen it may be spotting, which is not neccessarily bad, could newly be signs that you'll get it soon, but i would homily to a doctor if this occers again and you don't get your interval

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yeah,it's your extent.Thank God for that


it very very well could b that happened to me so i wait like a partially an hour then looked again its be ver obvious nearby good luck im youthful too so i know it can b tough.

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Its other a bit worrying when we find blood there for the first time, it could be a few things but the most probable is your first time of year. The very first one is sometimes moderately light and they will soon settle into a routine.
Ask your mum to transport a look at the blood if u are unsure, and you may want to wear a pad newly in skin.

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