If you enjoy breast tenderness what is wrong?And sometimes after i own sex it hurts what is wrong?


Help me im really worried?

most women get breast pain either right since their period is around to start. and another cause of breast pain is possible pregnancy. Go talk next to youob/gyn and also do self breast exams for possile breast cancers

White discharge?

Its call being born contained by a womans body.

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Breast tenderness is pretty normal contained by menstruating women. The progesterone released in the last two weeks of the menstrual cycle mete out the blood vessels contained by the breasts to enlarge and overnight case swelling which results in tenderness. There's no graceful answer but wear a good supportive bra and perchance remind your partner to be gentle near you.

Pain after sex could be the result of partner being a touch rough, most likely it's due to shortage of lubrication, you can buy lubricants like KY jelly or stimulate your partner to carry out for a time more foreplay to encourage a bit more 'crude lubrication'.
If you find you are getting sore and itchy it could be an infection so in that case see your Doctor.

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