Hi can u minister to me with this hollywood celebration?

my daughter who is turning 11 is having a hollywood themed delegation. any ideas on things i could do that would take home the party amazing? economically thanks for the answers and god bless!

PLEASE-Morning after pill..condom broke..o jeez?

A huge sign that say "Hollywood". You can get pictures of stars from the internet and place them in a picture frame (like they do at distinguished restaurants). Use metallic silver strings hanging from the cieling. You can purchase strobe lights for guests to tramp through when they first enter (as if pictures of them were mortal taken). Have the guests dress up as their favorite star and use that as a contest (best impersonator). Make big stars out of construction paper, write movie stars name on them and tape them to the floor.. Have fun.


you should do it near an old hollywood theam
ie: james dean, marilyn etc.
the hoary hollywood just seamed more glamourus

be paid the hollywood sign
and a sidewalk stars on the driveway or somewhere let the kids make elegant the stars

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Well try to have a red hearth rug. make swag stacks for everyone. Make virgin daqueries or have them sip sparkling cider fairly than champagne. If you have the money, hire a photographer to be close to "paparazzi" as the kids are arriving.

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