If you don't hold your first spell, can you still masturbate?

And also, if you masturbate with your boobs, do they go and get bigger?

I'm 12. If that makes a difference.

Answers:    Yes. And no.
Masturbating will not form your bust grow.

There is no reason NOT to masturbate, do what you resembling behind closed doors.
you can masturbate whether youve gotten your time or not, its makes no difference what so ever, but i doubt doing it next to your boobs will have any affect on their size First quiz: Of course.

Second question: Of course not.

Your boobs will probably verbs to grow, but it will have nil to do with masturbation.
Yes you can masturbate and no, it won't affect your breast nouns.

You can masturbate whenever you want, but no matter how you do it it won't craft a difference to your breast size sorry. yes hun u can.=D
You can masturbate before, during and after you start your time of year - doesn't matter. If you consistency like you want to masturbate, merely do it. It will not improve the size of your boobs though but you can wipe them and this helps to firm the tissues and wear a powerfully fitting bra. Wait til your 14-15 years of age.

I didn't know about mbation until latter on in natural life.

Don't do it because once you start, you just might terminate by yourself or pregnant before your time. It lead to other things.
Don't listen to decbaby8303. If you want to masturbate, you can. Of course you have hormones, you are an youth for bean's sakes. It is normal and sound! It won't make your boobs bigger, and you don't inevitability to have your term in command to masturbate. You can masterbate whenever you want, your period have nothing to do beside it. and what in the WORLD do you scrounging by "masterbate with your boobs"? Do you parsimonious just touch them? no, there's nil you can do to make your boobs bigger, they grow on thier own. you're still for a time girl and they have deeply of growing to do.
masturbation isnt puberty its only quantity of puberty...u can still masturbate doesnt affect u...ur boobs will grow once u hit puberty so dont worry bout it omg i didn't even know what any of that be when i was 12. what is wrong beside kids now a days. you don't have need of to masturbate, you shouldn't even have those hormones running thru you. why do you want to masturbate? travel talk to your mom, hopefully she can smack some sense into you. your not grown adequate to do that kinda thing. your only a child, stay that way, its more fun.

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