Period query.?

I got my first extent on february 23rd and the next time it be saint patrick's day...that's the closing time i got it immediately it's june 22nd, is that normal? it's be 3 months.

Turner's Syndrome?

Since you've just started, your cycle won't be regular on the other hand. It will, eventually, become regular as you get elder.

I'm 6'3 and a 135lbs and my GF is 5'2 and 263lbs,. When its hot she give rotten this foul odor why?

if you just started, yes. abundant girls are irregular especially when they first start

Hard and sore nipples?


I have be told I hav pelvic inflammitry disesase..will it ever go away or will I be not here on tablets 4ever

If you just started your interval then yeah. because when you first catch it your period your irregular. it'll straiten out sooner or then.

Will my gf gain weight on the pill?

Yes it's noticeably regular if you just started. If you discern weird though, and if it continues for close to, a year, then see a gynecologist. remember that you may hold mood swings and get cramps contained by your abdomen. Good luck!

Do any women know if it is run of the mill to have posterior pain and menstrual cramps lacking the bleeding?

yes ur just irregular

I purely sneezed at my cubicle at work and completely soaked myself with pee, what should I do in a minute?

Yep, you're normal. It can sometimes lug up to two years for a girl to become regular after getting her first period. Don't verbs and good luck!

Question in the order of my period Brown Blood?

oh yeah its common, dont worry give or take a few it! my ex-best friend went 7 months lacking getting her's and she did eventually get it again so dont worry around it.

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