Contraceptive Foam?

My guy and I don't use condoms during sex.(yea yea i know the risks and before someone lectures me i am 21, i know right from wrong and contained by a monogamous relationship so spare me) I have read nearly those contraceptive foams that you can insert into the vagina before you own sex and it'll kill the sperm. I know the statistics on it so please spare me that as in good health. I just want to know if it'll interfere next to will my guy know how to feel it inside me? most foams go away a sticky after effect. I just would close to to hear from girls who have used it or from men who's gfs own used it. and PLEASE SPARE ME LECTURES! I'M A GROWN WOMAN I DONT NEED ANYONE TO TELL ME HOW TO RUN MY LIFE!

I got my extent i need counsel?

Non oxinal 9 (spermicide) is super bad for you...that aside i used foam once and will never do it again it be the grossest thing ever i have stuff runnin out of me for days and i all but instantly ruined my sheets if you want an over the counter and not condoms i used films they be quick assured and not oozy

I'm on my menstrual cycle and I just started using metradinzole to treat my bv;can I still use it or no?

just want to agree to you know that anything with spermicide within it, (even the condoms) can mess up your inner stuff, its really bad for you.. i read it within cosmo or i think planned parentshood... they are even planning on putting a stipulation label on it.. so please becareful. if your 21 y not be in motion to the doctor and get some pills... its really not not easy to remember im 19 and decided the pills are the best piece... good luck

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I tried that with my ex boyfriend, and not merely did it make sex exceptionally very messy, it also made it greatly slippery. If was firm to keep going because it made it so that he be slipping and sliding every where...and it's not resembling was small or I'm loose, because we never have that problem until we tried the foam.
At least I didn't carry pregnant though! haha...I would just uses a condom instead. Or a diaphragm, they're flawless for when you're monogamous

What is going on with me? Please support me?

Spermicide used alone is extremely ineffective even with supreme use; in reality, it's the method with the unmatched failure rate, even when compared to subtraction! I'd add to the side effects tabled above: pregnancy. A 21% failure rate near perfect use is massive.

You must select a more important form of birth control if you are serious about preventing pregnancy. Your over-the-counter option are male condoms, feminine condoms, and the Today sponge. You'll need to take into the doctor to discuss any others.

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