How can u lose 5 pounds in 1 week?



achieve a bunch of work out videos, and work out a great deal, but make sure that you know your factor. Eat healthy, and DO NOT turn on a crash diet. They are very fruitless for your body. Go along with your regular diet, a short time ago eat more tough foods! good luck

How to lose linger during the summer?

do alot of sports and exercise

I just get my period this morning and my mom isn't home?

not a fitting way to lose consignment but don't eat for a couple of days

Tampons !?

excersice for an hour everyday

I am an 18 year old-fashioned virgin, and my hymen won't break!my boyfriend has tried so masses times and it doesn't work

just eat respectable, have a reduced calorie plan and excercise roughly speaking an hour a day

My underwear smells sour when i hold it off! do i hold an infection?


Feeling dizzy and lightheated.?

good luck w/ that...

Did I do wrong?

Master cleanse (google it)
Basically you have to starve yourself completely- but it is possible. If you hold amazing willpower, that is.


That is an unrealistic aspiration. If you lose weight you should with the sole purpose go for nearly 1-2lbs per week. If you try to do anything more than you are going to cause break to your organs.

Preparing to see a gyn for the 1st time..please only girls lone?

Yes, just work out and drink lots of water/eat fine.


Dont, its not healthy. If you want to lose solidity, excersize regularly and eat hearty and the weight will come past its sell-by date.

Only ladies plz answer me !?

Try the weight watchers. I lost 7 pound within my 1st week.

First Night With My Wife?

The more you weigh the easier it is to lose more weight and adjectives you have to do is exercise and drink healthy.

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You may do it but you will put it posterior very brisk. Drink 8 glass of river a day no more and munch through five SMALL meals to hang on to you metabolosm active

Completely lost interest in sex?

Cut past its sell-by date your arm.

Serously, losing 5 pounds in one week is NOT healthy. You'll only just gain it all support. If you are serious about losing consignment, eat clean and work out. You'll lose 5 pounds soon enough.

FIrst time nuvaring user!! I own 2 questions!?

Run at least possible 3-5 miles a day. It is frozen at first but you can do it. I lost over 20 pounds in a month of late from running.

Get in your car and guess out a mile distance in an nouns in which you perceive comfortable running. Usually night time is best, around sunset. Just start running and if you hold to stop, thats fine, just keep hold of walking. Run as much as you can but dont push yourself too hard. Set a objective for how many miles you will progress and dont stop until you finish.

You dont want to lose too much weight too nippy though, it can make you sick.

I enjoy a terrible itch right contained by the vagina.?

leave out junk food excise every hours of daylight go for big long walk onli eat breakfast lunch and dinner small portions and drink sea onli remember excise at every change u procure

If your Pregnant is it good to buy a chawawa right since you give birth approaching 4 months to go is this not detrimental?

Go on a liquid diet..broth, slim promptly, diet soda's, jello, and drink plenty of water it make you feel full prompt.

Am I underweight?

First you need to find your BMR. BMR Calculator will work out your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR); the number of calories you'd burn if you stayed in bed adjectives day. Then you transport your activity horizontal.
The Harris Benedict Formula to determine your total daily calorie desires, multiply your BMR by the appropriate activity factor, as follows:

If you are sedentary (little or no exercise) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.2
If you are delicately active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.375
If you are moderately alive (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.55
If you are very stirring (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days a week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.725
If you are extra active (very rugged exercise/sports & physical job or 2x training) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.9

One pound is 3500 calories and you want to loose 5 lbs that would be 17,500 calories that you involve to burn. That comes out to be a 2500 calorie deficit for seven days. You loose water cargo first so you could sweat it out but it will only be until the juice is replenished! Good luck!

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Cardio. Either run, ride a bike, or do anything that raise your heart rate. Take something like Hydroxycut or Xenadrine Extreme beforehand you do your workout (can be found at GNC). Eat well, and drink hose. Burn more calories than you take contained by. It can be done!!

When i shave "down there" it gets itchy and red, why? That doesn't crop up when i shave anywhere else!

You can get lots of free tips here, hope that give you some ideas.

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