Can you be preganat and still get your term?


What excersise to do so you can get a round plump butt?

Bleeding during preg is not a time.

Blood circulation and capillaries are increased in your cervix and pelvic nouns during preg, so sex, an internal exam or pap smear can cause spotting.

Could also be:
Implantation bleeding
Miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy
Placental problems or premature labor

Research shows a cooperation between early pregnancy bleeding and an increased risk of subsequently complications, such as preterm delivery or placental abruption, specially if the bleeding is heavy.

Enlarged cervix?



It have been prearranged to happen however the term is very extremely light...

What is wrong w/ me? Health Issues?

You cannot procure your period once you're pregnant. Once the pregnancy hormone is surrounded by your body, your period will stop coming. You can however bleed and it may give the impression of being like a time of year but it's not, the blood should be lighter in color, not pouring and not smelly.

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