My girl friend freshly had her time of year and acouple of days she was emotion nausious and she afraid shes pregnant?

is it possible that she could be pregnant like i said she merely had her length acouple of days ago. we have just had sex roughly 5 times in yesteryear month with protection and i other check every condom for leaks!! she also have been have problems with her mom lately and she vomited once. her mom is buging her in the region of our relationship cause wehave be dating for about 5 yearsand her mom is wondering if im worth sticking near or am i just wasting her time. ithink she merely stressing out that. any answers will be awsome!! thanks biggie

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A women can always return with pregnant, even if you do use condoms, what it the whole be to small to see in the condom? Probably your ok, but I would achieve her on the pill or birth control shot. They have both worked for me.

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She is not pregnant if she just have her period and you used protection respectively time. It sounds like stress to me.

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It sounds more potential she is experiencing symptoms of extreme stress. This could lead to ulcer that can cause rectal bleeding, irregular period, nausea and many other symptoms. I suggest that she speak to her doctor instantly. If she is afraid that she is pregnant perhaps she should procure on some form of birth control. Condoms aren't always reliable. These are adjectives issues that the two of you should talk give or take a few, and that she should seek professional proposal from her doctor or ob/gyn.

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Sorry to hear adjectives that Biggie...your gf is probably stressed out...or coming down with something viral...tis' the season for cold bugs. But, in any casing, maybe she could bring a pregnancy test to contentment her fears.and yours. Chances are, she is not because she did get her spell and you two obviously use protection religiously (super opening!)...maybe do something relaxing for her,.supply her a massage, go and get her a certificate to get hold of a pedicure, something pampering. I'm sure the conflict between her and her mother is stressful enough. Something soothing will work wonders on her nerves. Just an hypothesis...good luck to you both!

Period Question?

Stress can affect a woman's menstrual cycle, PMS can bring nausea too. If she had a average period, nearby shouldn't be a problem. If it was shorter or lighter than usual, she may want to check to be sure.

Also, I'd just resembling to add that I am really, really impressed that you a) used protection every time, b) you check for leak and c) that you know about her cycle. Kudos to you for sounding similar to a good boyfriend, I hope zilch but the best for you both.

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Don't mean to startle you but stranger things have happen. But you can't tell if a woman is pregnant basically by observing her vomiting. Vomiting can be cause by the fact that she merely had her period and that there hold been a stir of her hormones. To be sure, why not do a pregnancy exam and alleviate some of that stress. Good Luck Bro.

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Some period are worse than others. If she got hers at adjectives, she's not pregnant. Don't worry. I've have them that made me get to the point of vomiting. I wouldn't verbs about pregnancy. Every time is different, some are really bad and others aren't desperate at all.

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