Does anyone know anything roughly topical steroids for women?

If they are safe and what effects they hold.

I'm asking for my mum who is peri-menopausal and is looking into using a topical steroid gel.

Thanks : )

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I am not really sure what you, or she are looking for. Are you looking for topical HRT? If so, ignore the general turn agaist HRT on sanctuary grounds and the fact that this is not a conspicuously handy way to distribute Hormone replacement I wouldnt use it.

If you are talking around testosterone, you can't tell if you necessitate that, blood testing and medical intervention would be needed since anyone could sensibly looking at that.

Plant phytoestrogens are a bit of a verbs, we already have concerns almost animal/synthetic oestrogens causing cancer. About the with the sole purpose thing explicitly known in the order of plant oesrogens is that nothing desperate seems to appear after you take after for short periods. There are no long residence controlled medical safety test to confirm what they do to women after prolonged use, at all!

If you are discussion about anabolic steroids In the UK at least possible no steroids can or should be available without a doctor's prescription. Unfortunately the web, which I love using, has however made a mockery of this.

It is attention-grabbing to read the reassurances that there are no risks from anabolic steroids, displayed on sites that deal in them. They have presumably never have a relative have an untimely stroke or heart attack.

Side effects of anabolic steroids include : raising blood pressure,raise cholesterol, (both of which increase cardiovascular disease), physical damage to the heart itself, premature baldness, liver injure, Women can become hairy, and develop a low voice.

Perhaps you could attempt to add a comment to serve me understand exactly what type of treatment you are asking about.

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Topical channel on top of the skim. Does it work yes. Is it recomended over the other Yes. Less problems beside it Yes. Many doctors are recomending it now a days.

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The best person to ask is the pharmacist.

I'm curious: why would a peri-menopausal woman use the gel? What is it for? I'm asking because I am peri-menopausal. I couldn't use it though (allergic to all corticosteroids).

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There's going to be a show on direct 17 pbs, about menopause on Mar. 24th at 1pm. I'll consent to you know then.

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no topicals proved to be influential.increasing drive is a concern of gynaecologist and endocrinologists,since you are on HRT.please do consult them and get what you want to

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