Woman to woman talk single?

I know that you can be pregnant and have your spell, but it's supposed to be lighter and shorter. Well, my period isn't due until June 15th at the earliest, but I started on the 8th. (A week early) It's profusely lighter and was finished this morning. I started again this afternoon, still really frothy. It's on and off since the 15th. Could this penny-pinching I'm pregnant?
What should I do? I'm scared to hold a test because my boyfriend think I might be pregnant, and I dont want to disappoint him if I'm not.

-I'm 19, not some 15 year old * and I've be sleeping with singular one person, not a intact crew of guys.

I am interested in taking vitamins but which is the best vitamin for a 35 year old woman to lift?

the first thing you stipulation to do is get a pregnancy check done if you think you are pregnant.

near regards to it human being lighter if you are pregnant, this is not always the suitcase. i have children of my own and i go through one pregnancy not even knowing i was pregnant and still have what i thought was period, in reality with one of my children i be 24 weeks pregnant and didnt even know untill i went to the dr as i have other symptoms that i hadnt associated wit being pregnant.

as for him self disapointed, then this is natural life huni and if you dont find out now after later on if you are not pregnant it will be harder to narrate him.

to be honest periods can be hit and miss, and you are childish so dont worry as verbs can also cause period to be like this as in good health

Citalopram and phantom pregnancy?HELP?

you're probably not pregnant, even if he totally ejaculated inside you on the time you ovulated there's merely a 1 in 3 uncertainty to get pregnant, so the probability are against it. You should try charting yuor cycle and avoid sex around the time you ovulate if you are that worried about it, or do it afterwards if you are tryign to get pregnant

Do haveing a little one hurts?

Up to this point have you be regular, I mean resembling "clock work"? Is there stress surrounded by your life, stress can do profusely of things including make your period go wacky. You hold 3 choices...1) go to dr. draw from exam and tests 2) buy the home pregnancy trial 3) wait it out and see what happen

I have a pregnancy request for information. Serious answers only please.?

take a examination. also, despite the fact that you are 19, have a child that young, next to a boyfriend, is nothing to hope for. a tot can strain a marriage, much smaller amount just a relationship. i hope that you receive the answer you are looking for, but i would wait until you are slowly for your regular period date. use condoms and the pill.

Is it true that you gain some freight or 'bloat up' a little during your period?

just take a audition. its the only sure wat to know. thieve it in the morning, morning pee is the strongest.

Are women competent to give smaller amount blood than men because of their monthly cycles? like donating blood?

When your one and only 19 your body is still gonna do weird things...lIghter shorter longer dark...its a part of growing up. sometimes mine didn not even come at adjectives. If by the next month your not experiencing your middle-of-the-road pms signs go to a doctor

Why am I have such a hard time drinking?

I think you should pinch the test that will aid you clear up some of your problems if you are positive. Second you are probably stressed and thirdly that just how your body works. I have something like that evolve to me before but it clear itself up. If you are worried it might be serious please turn to your doctor or ob/gyn.

How does a period discern during pregnancy do you bleed allot or little and do you have cramps?

take a tryout and find out from there what you should do!

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