Question for girls???about greatly smelly vagina?

i live with my mom, my sister, and my dad. my dad is other working nonstop so i don't see him that much. but my mom and my sister are pretty regularly at home. for some reason, i enjoy noticed that they own the most horrible smelly vagina because every time after they use the restroom it smells like horrible molded flower next to fungus everywhere. and my dad's best friend came over at my dad's jewelry store near his wife and she had to use to restroom and after she used it, i have to use the restroom and when i walked contained by, it smelled like like peas in a pod of what it smelled like after my sister or my mom used the restroom. it smelled close to horrible molded flowers with fungus everywhere. do you know why women's vagina smells horrible. what could i do to stop that horrible smell

Where is the uterus located in the body?

dude u necessitate some sex ed classes
the red stuff is blood and it probaly smells cause they are own their period or the a moment ago went to the bathroom

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Well, the blood is their time of year. It happens once a month. Look up "menstration" on your flush engine.

Girls: I can't believe this is happening!?

i assume its your toilet that a man and i tell you i resembling the smell of a womans vagina, its the nicest smell in the world.just hose yourself everyday and you will be fine, good hygene is the best style to do it.

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The red stuff IS blood. It's from women have their periods.

ANd if they don't rinse often satisfactory then yeah they're going to STINK. Tell them to shower when they enjoy their periods!!

What do you chew over about this birth control?please please try to answer..soo confused roughly speaking my body?

I have no theory how old you are but I know that men's deposits within women tend to leave a fool smell but for cleaned out, also menstraution is the blood, and std can cause foul odors also.

I nouns silly. but can someone tell me how to use tampons.?

wow. this is shocking. roughly isn't their period. a length comes about once a month and its essentially their vagina shedding the the nest for the egg. since the egg wasn't fertilized by a man, the nest made of blood and other material must be gettin rid of. so it comes out. for more info, go through menstration on the web.

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