What do you cogitate about this birth control?please please try to answer..soo confused going on for my body?
Ladies: Im a guy who needs serve on tanning?
Ok I used to be on the pill because i had period like your have now. The pill regulated my period and also made them less prickly. I was on bc for 3 years and i switched mine twice because of the side effects. I don't muse your pregnant if you used condoms and are on bc. Your symptoms may just be an effect of the type of pill your using. You might wanna ask your doc to switch you to a different bc pill. I hope i help in some bearing.
Ladies! How do you know or how can you find out if you are ovulating?
Call your Gyn. Only he/she can help you near this.- Ladies, if your hubby had an accident and not able to make sex any more?
- Masturbating?
- Yeast Infection?
- How effectively intercourse with wife after 60 years?
- I can't own sex unless I use Lubricant gel! Is this everyday?? please support...?
- Depressed from mortal stuck indoors because I'm sick
- I'm insecure roughly speaking my vulva turning my boyfriend past its sell-by date.
- I be really tired lately and lightheaded my mom think im pregnent but im not have sex. wats wrongwith me?