I dont feel similar to eating and im really watery. whats wrong?

k well i dotn get the impression like consumption anyhting and my mom and dad get made at me and they formulate me eat.So i engineer myslef eat food. I use iron pills but im on break right now contained by a different country...(im from america) and im in pakistanand i didnt bring them next to me so i dont have any righ tnow. I dont know what to do. I tole my mom that i dont want to guzzle cuz i dont feel resembling eating and shes approaching make ur self munch through, and i cant do that..wat should i do? i feel really tired and tenancy.also im suppose to get my time of year soon and that makes me even more shabby! i dont know wat to do.please help me!

Relating to my mom just about periods?

economically, if you dont want to eat and consistency weak, appreciably somethings wrong. drink LOTS of water. that will relieve with the frailty. see a doctor. soon. you dont seem contained by good shape, and later your not in america. so you may not be used to the climate, which would spawn it worse. get economically.

I'm with my 1st b/f and he act weird contained by bed?

start drinking water and ask around where-ever you are resembling if you go to a store and theres a pharmacy in recent times go upto the character and ask them or call a doctor. i dont know
next to me im chunkier
so i tend to eat and put away and eat

What do you contemplate this is?

You should go to a doctor when you take back to find out what's really wrong.


okay- even Paki have chickens and veggies.

I think you enjoy a mental block and are acting out by refusing to put away. Iron is IN spinach, red meat and other sources as well.
Drink lots of river, add some electrolytes to give a hand with your vulnerability. Start small with soup and rice.

You can guzzle the same piece here as at home, just not Mc Donalds. Its not the finishing of the world. Iron pills are for a diet supplement, so LEARN how to do it without a pill.

Change your MIND, and everything else will follow.
Go help yourself to a cooking class. seriously!

Understanding is the first step to acceptance. Take this opportunity to swot about yourself and nutrition.
You may swot to love the culture. Try it all.

Life is short dear, and most times.not as dramatic.
FYI- you can own some one mail you the over the counter supplement next to some western feminine hygiene products.
The post still delivers at the come to an end of the earth.

Best wishes.have a feeling better.


once i had to rely on something that give me the munchies, beer can increase the appetite and maybe bee propolis can.

Period lateness?

There is particularly something wrong but in the mean time please try to stay as hydrated as you can, and for meal if you can try to eat something resembling soups to get a bit of nutrition within to you. That way you are getting at least possible a little something in to your tummy so that you don't obtain any weaker.

Then as soon as you get home you really entail to see your dr to have them evaluate this situation to see what they deem is going on.

I know you have said that you told your mom that you can't get through even though they make you and nearly what she said for this trip, but please tell her how you are really sense physically when you try if you haven't already.

If you need to chat some more please feel free to e-mail or IM me privately any time.

Sex n lubricant?

i have the same point it is either the stomach virus r something else but i have drank some cold water n laid down 4 awhile i didn't never munch through nothing any just similar to u so i had tried some soupn it made me have a feeling a little better be 4 my spell came on.

How abundant weeks?

~Sometimes when you run by a different schedule than your body may be used to your stomach is stale and doesn't feel close to eating. Also, when it get really hot i don't feel resembling eating any, and if it's hot in Pakistan than you probably aren't terribly hungry. Stick to liquid type foods close to jello, pudding, and other Indian foods that have liquid or liquid surrounded by them. Then slowly start to eat bigger and more solid foods similar to meals. Right in a minute I think you're stomach is a moment ago really messed up and wants a break. Be uncomplicated on it and it will feel better within a few days.
~For the weak element I'd try to find a daily medication (where you are) that have vitaims containing calcium, Iron, and anything good for your bones. Drink as much milk as you can because that's really honest for your bones.
~For your period clutch Motrin, Aleve, or any type of pain medication resembling Tylenol that will help you not have a feeling so youcky with your term. hang contained by there and you'll be fine.
~Start from within and if you need more facilitate contact me...You know how :)

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