Im 14 almost 15 and im a 36c and everywhere i run guys my age stare, and some of my shirts are kinda low cut?

Everywhere i go guys approaching my age stare even when i walk or run within P.E. and i buy shirts that cover me well but similar to the next daytime they show. but all i wanna know is, is this ordinary?, and what all can i do? i already enjoy a bf and guys are asking me to date them and i tell im taken but they dont listen. PLEASE HELP IM SO WORRIED!! :(

Answers:    YES, it is extremely normal.
Those raging lots of hormones (boys) are thinking about sex.
And 36C hand over them lots to think just about.
yea you're fine.
The guys your age are going to awareness girls that are developing.

You need to adopt this or wear things that aren't very revealing.

As for getting asked out, you should be flattered, but honestly there's no fixed way to know someone is taken at your age, especially if you're not beside your boyfriend at the time.
poor thing. must suck to be so ATTRACTIVE!! lol sorry, guys are horn dogs and there's not much you'll know how to do!! Dont worry
its gunna transpire just notify the guys that ur taken and ur not interested in them
dont verbs about the t-shirt stuff
in recent times ignor them or rely rub their faces within the fact that ur taken and they cant hold u
i would wear thigs less revaling because you are developing. This is extraordinarily normal. Guys your age hold raging hormones right now and trust me, they are manifestly going to stare. If this bothers you, you should wear loose fitting clothing and stay away from anything that is low cut. That's roughly all you can do.
I know when I be 14yo..
guys were SO STUPID at that age that they guess early nouns (big boobs) means you're sexually involved.and possibly means you're EASY!
YES - they are blooming idiots!

Also once hear a "little boy" (one of my 17yo's friends) say that have your period money you had sex (DUMB AS**S!)

That is why they're asking you out and they're stupid - give the brush-off them
Wear whatever make you feel divine and comfortable (and get a dutiful bra so you don't have a sore fund!)
why are you worried .i was surrounded by the same predicament but realize mainly if you become so aware of it you get the impression as if every guy is looking at thing i studious people usually look at you the channel you want them to so be confident , assertive and be happy roughly it and don't this come in your path in anything that you are doing.

DON'T LET THIS STOP YOU FROM EXPLORING YOUR CAPABILITIES this is of late a phase you are passing thru it will stop
u shud be flattered that da guys are lookin at u cuz i sure as hell wud and ur bf wont do anything exceot agree wit me

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