When do you no when its time to regulation your condom?

i heard that resembling somtimes tha latex goes away or something and when its gone you can procure the girl preganet and i dont want that so can you tell me when it would be best to tuning a condom during sex

Why am I tired all the time?

A condom will end untill you are finished. If it tears or slips off, replace it. Use a unmarked one each time. Other after that there is no purpose to change a condom during sex. The latex will not travel away...the whole piece is latex!

What is PMSing like?

after u come

What are the best home remedies for Constipation?

Wear a unknown condom everytime you have sex. Each time you "finish", throw it out. When you want to hold sex again, put a new one on....

Unresponsive to Progesterone?

First, check the expiration date on the paper.

Two, use only water-based lubricants; oil- or grease-based lubes will dissolve the latex.

Third, one-shot respectively. Once you ejaculate, get a modern condom if you're going to continue.

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