Is this vigorous?

Breakfast: branflakes in semi-skimmed milk

Lunch: ham sandwich contained by wholemeal bread (2 slices)

Dinner: baked potatoe with tuna mayonnaise (light) and some salad (lettuce, pineapple, cucumber)

Ive be drinking water adjectives day and I walk to and from school. Ive done 12,254 steps today =) ..Tonight at 22:00 i'll be doing 50 situps!

..How frequent calories do you think I own had today?


Answers:    that physical good
worthy on ya, u deserve a treat *CHOCOLATE CAKE* lol
not enough, that's for sure! i dont know but your diets good thats for sure
idk dont worry more or less it it's depend on the kind of food and gooey you eat some hold more coliories and soma have smaller amount but i would guess about 700 calories
mmmmmmmmmm...yum yum, i could chomp through you whole. :-) why don`t u count it ur self
Its sounds somewhat athletic but it think you have need of more fat contained by you diet. you beter do 100 sit ups just within isn't a together lot
Wow. Ur doing really well. Cant relay u how many calories sorry but lately wanna say capably done. That's very on top form. Youve probably taken in give or take a few 1000 calories today and burnt sour 200 or so. Good for you.
How many branflakes?
How much ham?
Sounds close to you had lower than 1000 k.
try to eat snacks throughout the morning, they say you should put away every 3 to 4 hours very small meal also try to not have carbs for dinner or mayo even though insubstantial, good luck thats right! i think i inevitability to take a fern out of your book so to speak
go you preserve up the good work!
looks pretty in good health to sure you had smaller quantity than 2500 calories if that much...keep it up... Not in good health.. you are ignoring some rudiments in your diet. You inevitability 5 serves of vegetables each hours of daylight and two serves of fruit. There are other issues too that need to be tailored directly to you. You inevitability to set up an appointment with a dietician or nutritionist and listen to their counsel so you have great robustness at the end of it adjectives.


you can look up calorie counts for most foods. It also helps if you manoeuvre out your serving portions. This website also helps you work out how many calories you burn during exercise as powerfully. You don't give portion sizes so it can't be added. So I will guess 1200 calories which is satisfactory to lose weight next to all the exercising you are doing.
Nice Diet. :0

I'm not exactly the expert, but I ponder its better to do exercise in the morning instead of dark, because it has more affect.

Overall, you are still growing, and if you similar to what your eatting, then dance right ahead. Dont force yourself to eat stuff because its "low-fat" if you dont similar to it. And dont force yourself to strave.

Hope this helps!

& you own just be cheese'd
I don't know, but I think you want to eat more in truth...if your body is still growing..I think you're still surrounded by school..

I conjecture you might actually be depriving your body of the nutrients it requests to be healthy. FAT does not show healthy, but skinny does NOT denote healthy any. I think you should supplement anything you're eating near a multi-vitamin to make sure that your organs and body is geting the vitamins it desires to function properly INSIDE not just to brand you look good OUTSIDE.
1289.4 make available or take 0.0067 200-500
It sounds similar to you might have eat under 1000 calories today.You obligation to eat more, especially if you're trying to lose counterbalance. Good job next to the exercise and drinking lots of water, though.

Go to and type surrounded by your information and it will help you determine how abundant calories you need to be consumption, and where you should be drinking those calories from (i.e. what food group). It will even help you numeral out a diet that will help you lose mass.
WOW! I wish i could do that! Go out and bring some chocolate! In order to lose grease, you have to get through more than you are eating presently. Don't exercise too much. You need to rest to regain vim. Without the energy, you can't burn round. The fat of late stays there while you lost muscle and curves.
It depends on the mass that you are now, your bmi, your distance from the ground, metabolism, etc.

If you have a lofty metabolism, you can basically sit around adjectives day, guzzle junk food and not gain a single pound. If you own a low metabolism, it will not take enormously long before you will gain cargo by sitting around all afternoon and eating unwanted items food.

In order to increase your metabolism, other eat inwardly 1 hour of waking up contained by the morning and eat small sound meals throughout the daytime (not JUST breakfast, lunch and dinner) and keep alive. It sounds like you are ingestion quite full-bodied which is good! Remember, your body wishes a certain number of calories per daylight in command to even function properly.

If you are wanting to lose weight, you are going to own to do more activity though. If you are surrounded by school, it is probably amazingly difficult to do so. Walking and doing situps doesn't exactly count tooooo much because you need to be doing cardio. A great path to get your heart rate up (if you don't want to run) is doing step work. If you own stairs in your house, that's great! Stand at the bottom of your stairs and step up/down, but do this without delay so that your heart rate goes up and save it there for a worthy like 10-15 mins at first and later slowly increase the length of time. I will usually set a aim of 200 step-ups with my not here leg leading, and next switch and do 200 step-ups with my right leg primary (but I also horseback ride approx. 2-4 times per week and yes, that is a GREAT source of muscle endurance/tone, cardio, flexibility, etc.).

Check out websites devoted to on top form living and that can caluclate bmi indexes, etc. They can tell you what you should be doing to burn calories/carbs (because carbs are stored away for dash...but if that energy is NOT used up, consequently it stores itself away as sugar/fat). Websites can also give you an perception of approx. how many calories you burn doing specific goings-on for different lengths of time.
You're diet seem really healthy.

One piece that does concern me is your focus on exactly what you have eat, exactly how many steps you've done, and do exactly 50 sit-ups tonight.

I'ts the fous on this detail that can escalate, become enthusiast, and become an eating disorder (My best friend have anorexia)

So long as you eat healthily, and do excerise stop worrying give or take a few counting everything.

You will reap the benefits physically and mentally if you just look after your body next to nutrition and exercise - both with conventional limits. Anything to extremes is eventually hurtful to your body.

Be happy!

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