How do i get my girl to similar to sex!?!?

she be saying that she doesn't similar to sex and she hates it
how do i catch her to like it or find her horny!?!

Please help me! im really embarrased to be asking this?

Let her discover it on her own. The more you push it the smaller amount she wants to do it. Just move out her to make the verdict of when she likes it or not.

Breast pain! what are the major reason for that?

maybe there is an underlying problem. For one, you enjoy to be patient and kind. Start by just kissing and holding respectively other, just permit the rest flow.

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Is this ok?

It sounds resembling you need to revise to be a better lover.

What's wrong with me?

just make available it to her from behind and she will stumble in love wit it trust me on this one

Why does it still burn after I use cream for a yeast infection?

get her some movies

Period facilitate please!?

i hope ur married to her


* her goodly

How is uterine fiberoids <sp?> treated?

something is wrong with her. nobody smoothly hates sex. something happen to her to make her that channel. get her a consultant.

How many sit-ups and push-ups should i do a daytime to keep vigorous?

Do not waste time figure this mater out, women are very unnatural and irrational creatures. Simply knock her out with something beefy and have a stir. You could also buy Rohypnol from the Mexicans...

Just had a phone hail as from doc for my results on std? im all clear but enjoy alot of protein in my wee?

She may never have acheived an O which consequently makes it nil more than a chore. She will need to find what make it happen for her. You can sustain her with this.

Only answer if you are a womanly or a male who know quite a great deal about the feminine reproductive systemHelp!!?

Why don't you guys try respecting a girl's choice to not have sex. Quit pressuring her. If she's not your wife, she owes you zilch anyway. If she is your wife, your probably not doing something she needs outside the bedroom. Women are not turned on sexually indistinguishable way guys are (usually). Guys are turned on by verbs, women are more emotionally involved. We involve to know we are valued for more than sex. But like I said, if your not married to her, you enjoy no rights to a sexual relationship with her. Leave her alone almost it.

White discharge before the first time of year?

Lick her .........

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