How do you know that you're getting a growth spurt?

All my bone are hurting like their expanding and and i constantly surface the need to streach, however I don't perceive tired. Are these signs of a growth spurt in progress?

Can u flush a cotton tampon down the toilet?

Depends how outdated you are, height ect. It could be growing pains, yes, or it could be something similar to how you slept the night in the past? If you have be cramped up in tight spaces or own been especially active and didn't heat up / cool down properly. There are lots of reasons. But yes, you could be have a growth spurt. You should get greatly of these in your lifetime, and you'll mostly know what they will feel resembling once you've had one. Be aware though!.. If you grow too hasty your skin will stretch too quickly and you might go and get stretch marks! So moisturise your skin properly to exhaust the risk =) Hope that helps!

How to start using tampons?

kinda sounds close to one

Can you get an iud if you hold not resumed your period?

Yes it can be, it depends on how much you hold already developed. And you will also notice your clothes to fit differently.

How soon after a C-section can I start working out beside a personal trainer?

growing pains (you sound resembling you have them), person hungry much more than usual.

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