Question in the region of girl stuff.?

I'm sure that everyone can relate to what I'm about to voice. I hate my interval. I'm to young to whip birth control pills and the only plea why I would take them is to stop my time of year. I need some ways to prevent my spell or shorten the length. The second I am old plenty (say 20) I am going to get a surgery that will verbs the uterine layer! I'll a short time ago adopt kids. I really dislike my period and since it is summer I want some ways to prevent it from coming. I will go batty if it interrupts my vacation!! relief!


Okay ladies.. i have a crisis and i dont know what to do. i involve some help?

I really aversion my period 2 motive of cramps. But just wade it out but we'll get hold of back 2 dat after I detail u what u should do 2 avoid your period when the summer come. Now the pills u are taking is already taking the probability of u having trouble getting pregnant. You can progress 2 the doctor and they will GIVE you a shot 2 destroy your interval right away. My sistah does this every month 2 avoid her period! I hopes this help!

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idk, of late wait it out i guess
i lucked out, mines not too doomed to failure

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you cant really stop your time. and you dont really explain why you hate it so much?

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i guess you need to sit and construe about what you're motto. your feelings may tuning with age and if you find a partner near whom you really want to have kids beside. everything you're side has lots of implication for the future - besides i don't htink they do surgery for uterine destruction, and absolutely not for people who don't 'approaching' their periods. you can explain your situation next to your doctor who 'may' put you on the pill, once again, when you;re old adequate and two, IF they think you own suitable grounds for taking the pill. and also, please think just about those girls who don't get period regularly and are trying for a baby but can't... a short time ago count yourself lucky and get on next to things.. there are other ways of getting through those 4-5 days (out of 30!) however hefty or painful or messy it is!

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Birth control pills can be prescribed for heavy, painfull or irregular period, not only for contraception. They will product your periods lighter, and you can control when to enjoy them. Also, you can run your pill packs together so that you never if truth be told have your 'bleed'. The with the sole purpose reason they recommend you enjoy a monthly bleed is to check that you're not pregnant. Another option is an bud that goes underneath your arm that stops your period altogther, and lasts for nearly 3 years. Talk to your GP about it, they should know how to advise you. Also... I discovered tampons this year which are amazing and be a sign of I barely interest im on my period. Its worth giving them a move about. Please dont get surgery. You may regret it latter, and it may also mess with your hormones, putting you into impulsive menopause with weightiness gain, testosterone release (facial hair!) and hot flushes to promise with!

I'm only about to start birth control for the first time, and I be told that I must wait till?

you're probably NOT to younge for birth control! It is adjectives to put girls 15-16 on it to help regulate irregular period!

Did you have any alcohol intake?

you should collaborate to your doctor about a Marina IUD. if you are not nonetheless 20 he/she may not advise it but i hold had mine for something like 2 years and have not have a period within about 14 months and i love it--but i am not going to enjoy anymore children ( i have 1) so that be why it was uncomplicated for my doctor to say yes. but it doesnot cost you anything to ask!!

How much longer will you be capable of grow after your get your length?

First off no doctor is going to accomplish any kind of surgery to verbs your uterus just because you do not approaching having a term. Deal with it, it is part of a set of being a feminine. If you are having a great deal of problems with your extent, see your doctor, I am not sure how young you are but possibly being on birth control can support.

I want to earn for my love..?

ok... i have have the surgery you are talking roughly... and it does not go away for everyone... mine is for roughly 3 days and very fluffy...

its part of vivacity...

Honest answers only please?

I feel the same agency when I first got it. Remember every girl get it and EVERY person contained by the world was born from a woman and that woman get their period. You really can't prevent it from coming. Just try to achieve distracted from it.

Why do i bleed when I am sexually stimulated?

You are too young to kind such a hasty decision, to hold a "surgery that will destroy your uterine layer" as you put it. First of adjectives, a doctor will not consent to such a surgery at age 20 and most OBGYN's will not even consider it a tubal ligation at age 21 or a hysterectomy unless it is a medical neccesity. There are many birth control option that will regulate your period and even blanch it. You can go to your local strength department to see your options and if you are still a minor, ( I suspect you are by your question) you can do this in need parental consent, and they can not tell your parents unless you want them to know. If you are elder or if you would like to chitchat to your parents about this problem agenda a visit to your OBGYN and they can also discuss your option. There is no sure way to stop a extent from coming without medication or surgery, I hold worked with childish girls with cancer who needed not to hold a period to save from bleeding to death literally, due to low blood counts, and we usually own them on a hormone such as birth control to stop the period altogether during their struggle next to cancer and low blood counts. Hope this puts your request "to stop your period" so it does not "interrupt you vacation" in perspective and help you realize it is a blessing to be capable of have a typical period and possibly conceive a child some daytime. Unfortunetly, children with cancer may never be capable of do because the treatments they endure to verbs the cancer to survive, may also destroy the adjectives of them conceiving a child themselves. Please, don't take this subject delicately, no one like their period, but it is unfortunetly, a portion of most of our lives that we can and do learn to live near.

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oh my! sounds like you've get it bad! The best entity I can recommend is going to your doctor for that first uncomfortable check up and look at some birth control option. Just because you're on birth control doesn't mean you enjoy to have sex!! I go on birth control when I was 13/14 for fruitless acne and extremely painful menstrual cycles. I didn't in fact use the birth control for it's "primary" use until MANY years later!! Good luck, be in motion to your doctor. There's really nothing else you can do! Also, if you step on the pill, there are clear in your mind ones available now where on earth you will only catch your period every three months. That or you can freshly continue taking anything pill you do end up decide on and cutting out the placebos since you go on time off.

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