Am I everyday? (serious answers and girls only)?

Ok so this is really embarassing for me to ask but here goes, im 14 years elderly and a girl and i havent gotton my period even so. it seems bizarre bcuz my mom got hers 3 yrs b4 my age and my sister in the order of 1 year. I know that sometimes girls dont get it until they are surrounded by they're late teens but it worries me cuz of the relations history. i feel desperate because all of my friends i droop out with hold it and they are always discussion about it and it make me wonder if there isnt something wrong beside me. so is this normal? should i catch checked out by a doctor? talk to someone? or in recent times wait and see what happen? thanks so much for any oblige you can give again this is really embarassing for me but i freshly need to speak to someone! :)


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i got mine when i be 14, and i am still 14.
who knows, possibly it will sneak up on u one day, but dont verbs, u r perfectly fine!
simply if its REALLY late approaching after 16 and u still didnt get it, should u ask a doctor...
i say aloud wait til later...
if u stil need some1 to have a chat to, im free to accept emails...

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Well I am 12 and I get mine when I was 10. But my mom instead got hers when she be 15 and my older sis get hers at 14. It is all different. I imagine you should just loaf it out. Oh and believe me you DON'T want it you are lucky! Good Luck!

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Hunny, it's okay. My friend didn't get her time of year until her senior year in large school. Her little sister who's 12 simply got hers. It's adjectives relative to your lifestyle. If you exercise too much or too little, it will be later. It also depends abundantly on stress level and physical vigour. When your body is ready to start, it will start. If your worried, see a doctor, but there is NOTHING wrong beside you.

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You are fine. I didn't get mine till I be at the end of man 14. You should be fine, I've always hear that you shouldn't even start to worry unless you haven't gotten it by the age of 16. I wouldn't verbs... it's not a fun thing anyways. :o)

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I really think it is average but you seem to be a bit worried so I think a call round to the Dr would be a good view. Not sure what your family history is but progress make an appt better sheltered than sorry. Honey, if I were you I would not verbs to much, think of it as a small contribution, trust me on this one. Good luck...


Please don't rush it and yes it's normal some inhabitants get theirs right up to that time 15.

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I believe you should talk to your mom something like it because she can most likely lend a hand you with this problem the best. If you have a chat to her, she could tell you what is best for you to do, such as run to the doctor.
As for your friends, you should feel lucky that you don't enjoy you period on the other hand. They are going through bloating and cramps and mood swings. Trust me, it isn't great to have your time. I'm not trying to sound similar to a typical "mom", or anything, but don't rush growing up, because when you start to grow up, you will want to be young again. Hope this help!!

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ahh dont verbs to much! i was around your age & weight when i started but a moment or two bit shorter. i was the concluding to start as well!!
it be horrible!! but tbh i used to pretend :)
i never said 'omg i on my period!' but when someone talk about it i'd simply agree :)
if your worried about it consequently sure go to the doctor but for very soon i'd say till your 16, relax!
seriously i'd guess its purely around the corner! mine started at school!
but not properly untill i be at home a few months later!
to be honest theres not much i can right to be heard to help youuu!!
i preference i could because just 18months ago this be mee!
i know just how you grain, the only entity you can do is relax, and ride it out, it'll come eventually, so for now, pretend(!), relax, and if your worried, chitchat to your doctors but i dont think its required yet (im trying to prefer if i should go doctors as very well because i havnt had a interval for 4 months!) anyways.. i hope it comes soooon !! xxxx

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I wouldn't verbs yet especially if you are scrubby. Your body fat percentage must hit a clear in your mind level earlier your periods can start.

But, if this is really stressing you out, you should parley to your mom and go to the doctor.

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you have no involve to worry at adjectives ,every one is different,dont worry you will enjoy plenty of time in the adjectives to talk to your mate about it.ok.

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Girl! Be happy that you don't own it yet. lol. Well, I enjoy a friend who just get hers and she's 18. She got it this slowly because she's extremely skinny and well...I guess it's according to your body. I believe you should just lurk it out. You'll be fine :)


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Nothing's wrong beside you. Family history has nought to do with when you take your period. Dana's right, you really don't want it. Has your conservatory shown you the movies that tell you in the order of it? If not you should find one maybe at your local library, or a book at hand would help too. People draw from them at very infantile ages, like 10, 11, and 12, but similar to you noted you may get yours as slowly as 16, 17, or 18. It's all constituent of your DNA makeup and you shouldn't worry around it. Think on the bright side, you don't have to verbs about bathroom breaks during swimming, extra collateral on trips, or (this happen to me last week) horrible cramps on paddock trips!

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This chick I know didn't get hers till she be 18...

You're normal, don't verbs.

(You might want it now but skulk till you have to contract with it until you're 40something.)

My boobs are small. plz oblige?

You're normal. There are girls who don't take it until they are 14. There are girls who don't get it until 18. You're fine. You don't requirement to see a doctor. Everyone is different.

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your friends really shouldnt be braging around geting it. it's not that great

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I got mine at 10.I feel weird adjectives my friend got theirs at 12 or 13.

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