
Is it true that you do not have to enjoy a smear if you have not be sexually active for more than 3 years?


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I work contained by a doctors surgery, and this is not correct! You should have a smear regularly, as it can pick up rash traces of cancer. You do not need to start have them untill you are 25 now, but if you enjoy been sexually busy from an early age - consequently its recommended that you are seen in advance. Good luck!

Not sure if this goes here but.?


I give up smoking 14 mths. ago, how long can i expect to feel anxious and unwell for?

No definatley not

Guys,what do you presume of pubic hair?

no.....the rule is by the age of 21 or in 3 years of becoming sexually active

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depends on how antediluvian you are and what region you live in itook me 5 years of correspondence and moving 2 a different area to budge and have one i be scared it be nothing when i have it done couldnt believe all the fuss i have made of it,if your 25 before november and you live contained by the westcountry your be called for one

Watery discharge instead of time of year?

no! u can still get cancer n stuff lacking having sex!

First Time?

No this is not true. you should be have regular smears roughly every 3 years.

Two periods surrounded by one month?

i don't know i am not sexually active

Breasts?one bigger than the other?

no you involve to start either when you become sexually involved or when you turn 18 (which ever comes first) and then you have need of to get it every 3 years!

All vergins bleed? after penetration(my x claims she be but there be no proof)?

u need to do it individual if u r not virgin. as a virgin if u go for exam u loose ur verginity... & it is quite discomfited

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Not at adjectives, once you become sexually active it is incredibly important that you hold regular smears .

Check out for more information on the impotance of smears.

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No, not true at all.

Never, ever miss a smear. My mother have a hysterectomy at 32 due to cervical cancer - would never have get that far if she'd had a smear examination.

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I have a sneaking suspicion that the letters the doctors right to be heard on it is that it is not as necessary to enjoy a smear until you are sexually active, however, I would suggest you whip up the opportunity
On my gynae placement (I'm a student nurse), there be 2 girls, mid twenties who died within days of respectively other following cervical cancer.
It depends where you live as to when you step. For example, in England, you hold cervical smears for the age of 25, but it is 20 in Wales

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