Swollen Ankles.anyone experience this?

I have be experiencing this problem for about 2 months immediately. I notice that they find very hugely swollen in the afternoon or hasty evening. I have no other symptoms.I will be paid a dr.'s appt. today, but have you experienced this?

Am i have discharge?

Have you recently gain weight? Been lower than a lot of stress? Been spending more time than you as a rule do on your feet? Increased your sodium and/or potassium intake? Started or changed medication? Have recently started have menstrual cycle changes (indicating peri-menopause)? Been diagnosed beside hypertension? Started a new diet or exercise regimen?

Any of these things can lead to ankle swelling (edema). Its good you're going to your doc; at this point the possibilities are nearly ceaseless.

Good luck.

What does it mean if you grasp really bloated in your belly and you cannot go #2.?

it's most feasible water retention, but your doctor can support you with that. it also may be a precursor to something else, not to panic you. a lot of condition issues have stipulation signs.

if you are retaining water, and you're on your foot all year, it would cause them to swell. you may simply notice after you've be off your foot and they start to hurt. talk to you doctor. if it's just water retention, she can make a contribution you a water pill, or you can buy it over the counter at any pharmacy.

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