Continuous vaginal secretion?

Hi! I just want to ask why my vagina is still secrete and itching for almost four weeks now..this usually hold the burning sensation at night time...I am using a viginal swab "lactacyd"..This started after using a napkin on my period which i develop rash then after the rash gone and my skin skinned out...the itchiness continuous til now..what will i do to preveny this itchiness...

I mull over im additced :|?

Unless the wash be prescribed from a doctor stop using it and dont use them again. Washes/douches are marketed to "manufacture you feel clean" but really theyll do more mar than good. Like someone already said, vaginas use their unconscious stuff to take aid of you.

And like everyone else said, trademark an appointment now to see a doctor, and dont put anything on the impulsive or broken skin until you hear from a doctor about it.
Take warm/hot baths to aid with the itching in the interim, no bubble baths as that also can irritate things and change your underwear soon after they become soiled because thats probably cause the itching to continue.

Pee smells really strong..not itching of anythingwhat is it?

You necessitate to go see the doc as you may hold an infection. Do not uses any washes surrounded by the vaginal area as the vagina is a self cleaning oriface.

Irregular perods and filling bleeding till 10th day and continuing? remeady plz.?

Could be a yeast infection. Go and see a doctor.

Is it majority to miss your period after you own sex for the first time?

You probably have a yeast infection, they enjoy over the counter meds for that, also eat yogurt each day until it goes away.

I hold no curves! 16 yrs 87 lb 5'4! No breast no butt no bra no period!!?

You might want to see a doctor only just in bag it is something more serious.
I had a girlfriend use the diaper unthinking cream like desitin she said that it be stronger than anything else.

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First off anything you do, DONT douche.

If it is itching and causing a burning sensation, you most feasible have an infection. Dont steal any over the counter medicines, fairly get within to see your doctor.

In the meantime, keep the nouns clean, drink wet and/or cranberry juice, changeover your underwear a little more frequently (2 to 3 times a day) and you could try a hip bath (lukewarm) with Epsom salt.

Either way, dont cut what is going on and see your doc.

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go to the doctor for an STD exam. use condoms.

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Sounds approaching a yeast infection all right. You should call for your clinic and see the OB/Gyn nurse or MD since this is the first time you have have this. Do NOT attempt to treat it at home. In the future, once you are more aware with your own symptoms and enjoy gotten some info from the OB/Gyn, THEN you usually treat these at home with over the counter meds.

Yeasties (usually candida) are opportunists that live within 96% of women, but only strike when conditions are right. Most women who carry the infections tend to repeat them many times over the years. Certain types of yogurt will relief reduce those opportunity. You might begin to identify patterns of when the infections materialize, such as a certain time of your cycle, or after a selective sexual activity, or even using indisputable brands of pads or tampons...
Ed, RN

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