Anyone have a colposcopy and treatment?

Hi there, I get a letter rear legs to say I own moderate abnormal cell and have to move about for a colposcopy and possible treatment on the 21st June! I am terrified and really scared. Just wondering if anyone can offer me some reassurane.
Also I own a holiday booked 5 weeks after my appointment so do you think I will be ok by this time to wallow in my holiday please?

thanks so much


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Hi I had a colposcopy a few months ago. Please don't verbs it's not that bad at adjectives. The procedure is basically resembling a smear test but the doctor uses a devise to some extent like binoculars! to magnify the nouns in the cervix he requirements to check out. He then uses different dyes (such as iodine) to question paper any irregular areas, this is just to see how extensive the problem is and that's pretty much it! Small biopsies be then taken (this did pinch a bit but be more uncomfortable than painful). These be sent to the lab for analysis.

If abnormal cell are found to a degree that they entail treatment you may be treated there and afterwards or as in my satchel a new appointment be made for me to have some further treatment. (I afterwards went straight subsidise to work had a few length type pains but nothing more.)

This treatment involved a local anaesthetic (ouch!) but be pain free after that. The cell were removed from my cervix and later the wound cauterised.
I had the rest of the morning off work but feel fine.
No exercise or sex for 4 weeks (that was the worst division!) and a little discharge and bleeding but face with the alternative this be by far a small price to pay!

Please don't verbs, I'm sure everything will be fine just nick it easy and trade name sure you ask loads of questions.

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My mum have it. I went along to the hospital beside her. It was newly taking a small sample of tissue. Abit discomfited, but not painful.She be alright. You will be too. Don't worry. Good luck; and wallow in your hols.. : )

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don't verbs about it, I have that done about 6 months ago. It's no worse than a smear question paper. The only item that's strange is they give you an adrenalin shot and it make you shake!

No pain, basically a wee bit of discomfort.

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Yes I have have one ! lol. It's not so bad.. You will probably be put to sleep or given a Valium injection to be paid you unaware of what is going on,..The darkness before you hold to drink this stuff to make your bowels verbs ( lol) and does it make them verbs ! wow!.Luckily I was ok, . Good luck to you.. honestly it's ok don't verbs...Be brave...You will be ok then the subsequent day

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Hi near, try not to worry just about it all too much (easier said than done). I hold had several colposcopies over the years and they aren't any worse than a smear simply they take rather longer. I had laser treatment for my out of the ordinary cells and they enjoy never recurred (6yrs and counting). I be anxious waiting for the results, but I don't remember feeling too self-conscious after the procedure. I'm sure you will be fine after just a copule of days. Be sure to bear someone with you for moral support.

I be worried about my fertility and required to reassure you that all be OK and I have have 3 children since!

Take care and Good Luck

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Because of a family history of colon cancer I hold a colonoscopy every 2 years. You are put under sedation so it's painless and no big buy and sell. Some people are slightly aware of what's going on but do not agree about any backache. Others (like me) don't remember a thing.

As to any treatment you may hold to have and how long it will steal for recovery, it adjectives depends on what kind of treatment you will enjoy to have. If it's of late polyps that have to be removed, here is no "down time" at all. Just rest for the rest of the daytime, take it for a while the next daylight or two and you're just fine (no affliction by the way). If it is something more than that, you'll have to check near your doctor for the answer you need.

Good luck and don't verbs about the procedure it self -- it's a piece of cake.

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I haven't had it done individually for obvious reason but I can tell you not to verbs - you have distinctly had a smear trial done and something has shown up as phenomenal - this is usually OR CAN BE pre cancerous cells (NOTE PRE CANCEROUS cells) or another abnormality - your appointment will verify the results and any procedure is protected and involves treatemnt using laser surgery - this will kill the cell or the other abnormality - you will then catch another appointment for a check up and any smear tests surrounded by future will become (probably) every twelve months - it is nothing to verbs about at this stage. The laser will shoot the cells and you may own some internal bleeding and scarring - it should not affect your holiday.

Check out this page to help you stop worrying

If this page does not put you at security then progress to the home page and type in COLPOSCOPY - nearby are loads of pages full of info for you

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Hi, I have one a few years back... It be abit uncomfortable, but nought to worry going on for.

I had to budge back a few weeks latter and get the results, mine come back majority..Just because they have asked you to hold one done, its just precaution, they told me that sometimes your body basically produces these abnormal cell, but they dont like to consent to it go in need checking it out...

So please try not to worry, savour your holiday

Good luck


* After reading everyone elses answers, i think relations are getting a bit confused, i thought a colpolscopy was unusual cell the neck of the womb and colonoscopy be a camera put somewhere, which i have done also.... hope i answered correctly for you. spell is 5 days late,cynical result on test,?

Colposcopies are not that fruitless, you will have a bit discomfort afterwards but it doesn't hurt but you will need to filch it easy for for a time while afterwards. The nurs or consultant at the hospital should go through the procedure next to you when you get within. I doubt the colposcopy will affect your holiday plans, the procedure really isn't that complicated but ask about swimming and going in the deep-sea as you may not be able to but bar that, just dont stress, its really not as desperate as you think!

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