Women. Period Question updated?

Right basically ajoining on to my other examine i am goin to refrase it better:

This comes out during my period which dont soak into my pad
what is this!

Thankyou again


your interval is lining from your womb, that be ready for fertilisation, immediately no longer required being expressed from the body. perchance you had a build up, but progress to your doctor if you are worried.

Nivea Goodbye Celluliteif u have tryed it please oblige me out here! =)?

could it be that you are pregnant and having a miscarriage?.budge see a doctor.

First signs?

Go see your gyno...that aint normall

My right foot is bigger than my left by in the region of a hlaf a size. My right breast is also larger. Is this normal?

dont know dance see your doctor

I am 10 days delayed from my period. i took my pills already to prevent pregnancy, will it relieve?

Remember your vaginal wall sheads so it could be that don't worrie!!
Good luck

Why does my whole body hurt and I am single a 57 year old womanly?

ermmm i think i no wat your one roughly, it its just clotted piece of blood tht look close to skin its normal i bring it, look througt my questions i asked this in the past, dont worry its middle-of-the-road, its just the uterus facing breaking away, so it can start again for your next interval, the people sayin they dont know its not commonplace i think its only cos u havnt explained wat you mean properly dont verbs

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