Pain in pelvic nouns. What could it be?

I have a spasm that goes on my vanished side and on my right, Amy right. In my pelvic area.

The dr said some women attain it when they're ovulating.

Well I'm not I should be starting my period tmrw if I'm not pregnant.

What could the dull pain be?

Is this a myth? Woman answer only.?

Your physician is correct. Greatly simplified, during ovulation a small "bubble" appears on the surface of your ovary. This bubble contains the egg. The bubble grows larger, bursts, and releases the egg. Some women hold discomfort with this.

Again simplified, sometimes the "bubble" does not burst but become larger. After your period, the bubble shrinks until it is time for you to ovulate again. This bubble remains on your ovary, enlarge and shrinking, while your ovaries grow other bubbles. If this happens, the bubble is call an ovarian cyst. You can have one, a few, or plentiful ovarian cysts growing and shrinking during your menstrual cycle; some cysts go away while others remain. These may basis the discomfort you are feeling.

Ovarian cysts are not necessarily hazardous. There are different types of ovarian cysts. For more details, please read

If you have markedly heavy bleeding, significant abdominal headache, abdominal rigidity and tenderness, nausea/vomiting and sweating, or frenzy, see your physician. Sometimes ovarian cysts can twist and/or burst and become infected.

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is it cramps?

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sounds like it could be cramps, but afterwards i'd also assume that you would know what your cramps feel approaching. maybe it's the start of appendicitis? the bst thing to do would be to see a doctor ASAP and conceivably he can do a sonogram.

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i think i have the same entry. have you freshly started birth control? that made me hurt there. if the discomfort doesn't stop, go and see your gyno and they can bequeath you a pelvic ultrasound to see if you have any cysts. cysts on the ovaries aren't really a big agreement, many women hold them and not know it but sometimes they do hurt if they are big. i had a cyst on my right ovary which is why i have pain contained by my pelvis, along with my birth control agitating it. pious luck and i hope you feel better.

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