i've had my length for about a year and a partly. in between i take discharge and i wear pantyliners everyday, sometimes it feels similar to i am wetting myself. why is that? GIRLS ONLY PLEASE! gratitude.

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Vaginal discharge is a normal member of a woman's life and vary during your menstrual cycle. Before ovulation there is deeply of mucous produced even more so than after ovulation. It is more watery and pliable during that phase of your cycle. This is probably the reason why you are need to wear pantyliners. You didn't mention your age however since you've only have your period for a year I'm assuming you are really young and NOT have sex yet. If you are later you need to see a doctor right away to check for any STDs (Sexually Transmitted Diseases) especially if you hold any pain, itching, discomfort or a unwary or sores that come along with your vaginal discharge.

Here is a chronicle of the different types of discharge that a female may experience:

White: Thick, white discharge is adjectives at the beginning and termination of your cycle. Normal white discharge is not accompanied by itching. If itching is present, gluey white discharge can indicate a yeast infection.

Clear and stretchy: This is "fertile" mucous and means you are ovulating.

Clear and liquid: This occurs at different times of your cycle and can be chiefly heavy after exercising.

Yellow or Green: May indicate an infection, especially if gummy or clumpy like cottage cheese or have a foul odor.

Brown: May happen right after your period, and is just "cleaning out" your vagina. Old blood looks brown.

I devise i'll get my spell on vacation, HELP!?

have u toke a pregnancy theory test?ur water could be broke.

Serious sex sound out. Look at details because it's too long to write.?

Like blood? That's normal. Not adjectives the blood come out during your period and some may come up to weeks next. It's nothing to verbs about.
If you don't show blood, just damp, sticky stuff. That's normal too. Our reproductive system is self cleaning, consequence that the bad microbes and irritants are cleaned out with a substance secreted instinctively. That's what comes out.
If it's lumpy or smells very strongly after see a doctor it could be a yeast infection or some disease. Either way near are meds you can take to clear it up.

HELP!?!(read details below)?

Hello! This sounds conventional.

I've had my interval for about 11-12 years and I still grasp discharge, more or less depending on the time of the month. Right beforehand ovulation you will get the most.

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Your body is still going through changes. The discharge is it yellowish or still red? If its yellowish its because your body is cleaning itself! My elder daughter who is 14 had her length now for 2 yrs and still get discharge. And now my 12 yr weak is also but she hasn't started her period.
Like I said, its a mode of your body cleaning itself. Weird, yucky and frustrated but true!

BUT IF ITS RED have your parents take home an appt.

Can you have sex when a girl is on their time of year?

It is till you get used to it..But for Gods sake dont use tampax, at smallest now..The blood have to go out, and the tampax keep it inside..
With the time, you ll get usedto it, dont verbs...

Does any other girl feel this approach about her body..?

Vaginal discharge is vastly normal. You should identify that it gets heavier roughly speaking 14 days after you start your period. This discharge is a sign that your body is functionally in general. You shouldn't need to wear a pantyliner everyday though. It is sector of growing up and you will get used to have moisture there regularly.

Since you own had your length for a while now, you stipulation to be seeing a doctor yearly. Talk to your doctor more or less it. He/She will be able to communicate you if the amount of discharge you are having is middle-of-the-road.

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