Help please! Going to see Urologist...?

Hi. I've already went to the doctors twice cause I've be feeling the strong sudden urge to go to the restroom adjectives the time but it's only a little. I own no pain or anything, just that annoying urge! I already get my urine tested two times, and I have no infection. I'm going to be going to the urologist this week, but what should I expect? And does anyone have any theory what I may have?
Thanks in finance to all replies!

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For your first appointment, your doc will probably just do an "H&P" -- history and physical. This will determine which direction and what test need to be done. You can be 99.999% sure they'll want to do yet another urinalysis and may want to do an ultrasound (just some cold gel on your belly and slight pressure), but that is commonly the extent. From there, you may enjoy a voiding cystogram ordered, in which they will basically watch your bladder emptying.
Urologist is definitely the process to go! There is just so much involved near the body that there is no way a nonspecific doc can grasp it all!
Good luck!

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My friend had bladder issues and when she go to the urologist they gave her an ultrasound. This procedure is not painful, but merely a little uncomfortable because they execute it while your bladder is full after drinking a certain amount of water. My friend have a condition which caused her bladder to become inflamed and now she is on medication and have no problems. I think the medication is called ditropan. Check it out and see if it sounds close to what you have, the website is at


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