Birth control?

just started Yasmin today, but I took it in the morning..and the more i think going on for it..i want to take it at darkness.

its fine to switch times right?

Mature People only.?

switching the times is ok, as long as you do it in the first week. i took yasmin and foudn that it be easier to take it contained by the evening, especially if it made me sick. remember, it is not effective for the first week you nick it.

Periods after qutting BC pills?

No problem. Take the second pill tomorrow night. It does bring an entire month to become effective, though. I've be on birth control for three years and it has help a lot near cramping, PMS, and the obvious reason! I think you'll resembling it!

What could be wrong?

It's OK to switch in the first week. Remember, you are NOT protected from pregancy on the other hand.

- BUT -

When it comes to something important as your reproductive robustness, don't rely on answers from total strangers!

Pick up the phone and call your doctor or a Planned Parenthood. Be sure to READ the literature that comes next to your birth control - or any medication. Your doctor should always discuss untried medications next to you in-depth, and be available to answer any follow-up questions you may own.

You only bring back one body. Make sure your mind does its part.

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