Ladies, have you ever be to a male gynocologist? Is it awkward? I'm wondering if i should translation my appt.

My old doctor is away on motherliness leave so she suggested that since i needed the appointment at a indisputable date that i should try her colleague, who is a male.

She recommend him highly but i'm not sure. I knkow that he go to school a moment ago as she did but i don't know what to think.

I have a beautiful infant girl in January, and I'm still bleeding. Is this commonplace?

I have be to 2 male gynocologists one whom deliver my 2 boys and the other was because i switched doctors for different reason and any way I own seen 1 womanly doctor and it was awkard for me to permit a woman to look at me just seem more natural for the mannish doctor to do it I mean if she significantly recomends him and you trust her opinion next give it a try if you don't close to the doctor then you can other change until she get back when you shift to have kids you are going to hold a room full of people surrounded by their with you manly and female so you stipulation to get used to it sooner or subsequently better sooner than later when you capture into a hospital for operation or whatever it may be afterwards by the time you get out everyone within that hospital staff members will probably enjoy seen your couchy within one way or another so the choice is yours.

I get light bleeding after 3 weeks from the first morning of my period, next to little pain, any model about it?

I would alteration it, but that's just me--I would quality really incomfortable, which is why I would only turn to a woman.

Its serious?

Yes I have and no it absolutely isn't awkward. They see it as a profession and nothing else. flawless luck :)

How to cure or get red of eccess gas contained by the stomach?

Shouldn't be any problem at all. I usually see a womanly, but at my practice, they require you to see all the docs during your pregnancy, because you do not know who will be on name for your delivery. I be actually deliver by one of the male docs, and it go famously. Just try not to be self-conscious and relax, you will be fine.

What does it mean?

yes i hold had a few masculine gyno's it was awkward at first but I in recent times look at it as he see's them all morning long so no big deal, seeing as he go to school for that. of late go contained by there and try to relax he will own a nurse in the room next to him when he does anything. so nothing to verbs about.

My time of year is coming and this may be trouble..?

My dad's an ob-gyne. There's nothing wrong near that. It's just their errand. Nothing malicious.


But what if you get to a female doctor and she turns out to be a big league dyke?

How do you know if you enjoy a UTI or Yeast Infection?

My gyno is male. He is really nice. I savour male doctors because they seem to be to go faster. It isn't uncommon at all. Just remember that he is a doctor. He isn't looking at you funny nor finds any of the exam sexual. The best doctors I've have were males. It be nice because my new doc in fact took the time to explain everything and even poke around to show me where things be (during the internal exam). If your orig. doc trust him, I would, too.

Make my tummy stop hurting!!?

I have. It wasn't too awkward because it wasn't me and him alone. It was me, him, and another feminine nurse in the room.
If you quality uncomfortable, you could request a womanly OB.

What birthcontrol should i try?

I always thought that going to a manly gynocologist would be horribly awkward. However something like your situation happen to me on my second ever appointment! Wow as I nervous.

Then I go in have it done and have be going to him ever since. I found that he was a great deal more gentle later my female gyno. I talk about this beside a few other friends and my mum and we all come to the same conclusion that we like male gyno's for this purpose.

Plus, you've seen one, you've see em all! I doubt anything suprises them anymore.

Confused on when to start bc pill. Do I start on the year I get my length or the sunday after?

Yeah, I've been to both mannish and female. The approach I look at it, there is not comfortable or non-awkward gyno-exam. It's adjectives about what make you feel more comfortable. I prefer a woman a moment ago because a man will never truly understand what it is resembling to be a woman, no matter how long he go to school!

Women merely?

You know, he might even be her gynocologist! Anyways, yes I have be to a male gyno. It wasn't awkward. He was a funny outdated man and I found him much more relaxed and relaxing during the appointment. I prefer him to the couple of female docs I've see.

Where do they inject this shot?

I know that some women are more comfortable with a womanly gyn, but all my doctors hold been masculine (not by choice, there be just no womanly doctors available). They have other treated me with professionalism, support and understanding during exams or deliver my babies. Just let him know that you're a bit afraid because you are used to a female doctor. He will try to put you at relaxation.

Anyone know what to do about umbilical hernia & how I get it?


Breast implant beside built in MP3 player?

I don't mind have a male gynecologist. I can`t bear when they bring the students in to watch how they check you different if you have a hysterectomy. I really like the ones who put on the safekeeping glasses approaching something is going to jump out at them lol.

Still a virgin? first pap smear be with a masculine. It depends on whether or not you think you would have a feeling comfortable. I personally really don't charge, I went trough a fertility clinic for a year and have heaps of people giving me constant check ups, including men and own become very indifferent. Its up to you, conceivably give a dance if you find it to be to uncomfortable resume next to your usual female vigilance. Good luck.

What do you think the average breasts size is? What more or less size in the pant for men?

Male doctors can be just as suitable as (sometimes better than) female doctors. I have a female gyno until she vanished town and then I have to see her male colleague. I will not pretend to you, the first time I saw him I was vastly nervous and afraid but he be a great doctor. He ended up deliver my daughter. I now enjoy a male gyno (as hold been the ultimate 2) and the first visit usually make you nervous but after that, it is fine. Some women cannot operate with mannish doctors though. If this is something you find overwhelming, I would suggest going to another doctor. I am sure that he is a good doctor, or he wouldn't hold been recommended, and if you can, afford him a try. It probably won't be as bad as you infer. But, if it is something you really can't get over, don't get the impression bad in the order of contacting another female doctor. You should be as relaxed as you can contained by these situation. Good luck, I hope I've helped you!

Sex cross-question?

Relax. You're covered with a sheet, and he is examining your organs, not sentiment you up. I've been to masculine gynos before, and they be great. You'll be just fine.

Lower right quad stomach-ache?

well it depents on how do you feel roughly speaking him but wen a first go to check my self it be male and yes i didn't discern to much conform with him so you have need of to amke the choice ok bye

Episiotomy - uncomfortable sex 9 weeks after that?

I work in parenthood and of the 11 doctors we have, 5 are males and we enjoy 3 female midwives over that. The patients feel no differently have a male vs. a womanly. They're professional, not perverts or anything like that. They see dozens of women a morning, so trust me whatever they're look at for you they're looking at for 5 minutes and afterwards they're off to the subsequent patient and at the lapse of the day they hardly remember who they saw unless there be a problem.

It's a personal decision, ultimately. If you're mortified with a mannish, find a different doctor until yours comes back or hang around until she comes back. She wouldn't enjoy recommended him if she didn't trust him.

My first period. trying to explain it to my 10 yrs hoary sister?

don't be afraid of a man. there is no sexual nouns with this. he will mind that you are all not alike, only as a female doctor would. It get clinical, just similar to looking at a cow. (by the way they both are in the region of the same except for the depth). logically cows don't have fuzz. There is a reason for the sheet or gown. It is so within is no connection to you. underneath the sheet it is just another opening. and a whole bunch of paperwork. He may not even get eye contact. also men are more objective, not opinionated as women.

My girlfriend leak when we have sex?

The first time I go to a gynecologist, my mother chose a woman, thinking it would be easier for me.
It was a fruitless experience.
Since she was a woman and probably did not own any problem with her body, she could not get the drift why I was so sensitive.
I never go to a woman again...
My male gynecologist is the best, so accurate, I cannot even feel anything.
I have another male gynecologist beforehand him because I was contained by another country and he was great too...afterwards he went on break and his replacement...a woman...was pretty desperate.

I'm much more comfortable with men because since they do not hold what I have, If I explain to them how I feel, they will listen to me and be totally gentle.
A woman only just does not understand what's my problem is because she's a woman, she have what I have but not the sensitivity associated near it so she will just dismiss me...

Help!! I reflect im geting sick?

I know how you feel. I am not comfortable next to male doctors, forget in the order of a gynocologist. However, all the feminine gynocologist I went to be not able to give support to me so my husband convinced me to go to the best gynocologist contained by our country, who turned out to be male. Yes, I be uncomfortable but he (the gynocologist) be not and asked questions professionally something like my period and stuff. He even go further to take out his diagrams and explain why I be having some of the problems that I have. He was enormously knowledgeable and it be easy to ask him question. By the time he checked me internally I forgot about self nervous and be more interested in the results and what it would mean. I construe its easier for my husband as he never came next to me when I went to a feminine gynocologist but with this masculine one, he not only comes beside me but asks questions too. It's really all professional.

Is it "normal" for a woman's breast to be considerably larger than the other one?

If she recommend him highly, later I'm sure he's highly qualified to execute a gyn check up or procedure.

If you don't feel comfortable next to a doctor of the opposite sex examining you, afterwards its totally okay for you to feel that passageway, and its totally okay for you to choose to reschedule it.

Health care providers come surrounded by both genders, he may hold a reason for choosing OB/GYN as his specialty, and its relatively likely a story roughly him losing someone he loves (a miscarriage of his wife, losing his mother to ovarian cancer that could have be caught sooner...), and quite smaller amount likely that he's some pervert and enjoy looking at women all time.

In many cases, when a manly medical professional has a procedure to do on a feminine patient, in that is a female nurse or technician present to assist the procedure, but also to ensure really that nothing rude occurs.

Being in the medical corral myself, I really don't much care the femininity of my healthcare provider. To me, they are simply an asset to keeping my health at its top notch... But I'm possibly different than most women, I'm up to my elbows within mud and sweat right alongside a male coworker trying to rescue a long-suffering from an overturned vehicle, if I'm having asthma trouble the medic students adjectives get to press a stethescope up to me and try to swot what the lung sounds sound like...

My OB/GYN is a masculine. I have a running kid with him that romantic relations near his wife must be miserable because after seeing the interworkings of vaginas all morning, he looks at his wife and says "sheesh, not one more"...

I enjoy a high sense of humor and I'm not within one of the more modest professions in the world... If you're not comfortable next to a male examining you, your comfort even is very exalted when it comes to your own personal health thought. Do what it is that you are comfortable with.

I aspiration you the best of luck

What is something i can do to reduce bleeding and distress when i'm on my period?

He will be in recent times one of many men that will see and finger you down in that.

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