
okay my period is slow i started not even a year ago and i used my moms vibrator w/ a condom but it came past its sell-by date. my periods own been exceptionally irregular and i was on EC for my term cuz i had it 4 2 monts and my boobs hurt i enjoy PMS and crapms can i bee pregnant?

Answers:    That hillarious. Sweetie, you cant get pregnant from a vibrator... no mater if the condom broke.

Seing as how you utter you've only a short time ago started your periods... I'm guessing you're extremely young. When a woman become sexually active, which I guess the vibrator would count as, it can enjoy an impact on the regularity of their periods.

If you havent be with a man, you own nothing to verbs about. If you're really concerned, run see your OBGYN and be honest with them... there's nil wrong with you (or your mom) using a vibrator (though sharing one is a bit odd) and most woman any have or currently do so you're ok.
ew. your moms v. thats really pretty gross! why does ur mom have a vibrator and why would u use it :S
a vibrator can not breed u pregnant!
did ur mum let you use it?
and why the ** have ur mum got a vibrator, and if she have got one, how do u know shes get one?
these ppl crack me up
Don't worry you arent pregnant. But using your moms vibrator isn't really something I'd come clean to telling profusely of people.. If you haven't be sexually active, you are not pregnant. The just way you can procure pregnant is if semen enters your vaginal strait. You cannot get pregnant by using a vibrator.

If you delight in using a vibrator, please get one of your own. It's unsanitary to share sex toys.

Also, tons girls have irregular period for the first couple of years - I wouldn't worry if you're in arrears. Many women who have be menstruating for YEARS are still not regular.
You need to stop playing near adult toys, because you unambiguously don't know how to use them. No, you can't get pregnant this bearing, unless the condom was used and have fresh sperm in it.

It's unsanitary to share grown toys, so don't borrow them from anyone, even your mother. Stop obsessing more or less sex and try to focus on other things - you still have plentifully of growing up to do.
If you dont know the how the reproductive system works you should not be using a vibrator. You can only achieve pregnant by having sex next to a man. Not by pleasing yourself with a toy.
Also if you choose to please yourself it shouldn't be your mothers toy. That is giving of inappropriate. You should really get hold of your own or use your hand. No, you're not pregnant. You used a vibrator. Vibrators do not produce sperm.

Also, that's really germy that you would use your mom's. Get your own. Seriously.
you cannot bring pregnant from a vibrator. it's impossible and you have zilch to worry in the region of. you also don't need to use a condom beside a vibrator. not if you haven't had sex near a man.
Dear there is no route that you could ever get pregnant from a vibrator beside or without a condom. It totally make no difference. You can only take pregnant if you have sexual relation beside a man that is not wearing a condom. If surrounded by doubt go to a free clinic or a doctor.

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