How do you manipulate menstrual pains?


Lately my period have been longer than usual and i obtain bd stomach aches, what do i do?

Try using a hot wet bottle on your abdomen and on your lower subsidise while laying on your side near your knees bent.

Fungal infection with urinary tract infection?

try acupuncture, it did work next to me.
don't drink cold drinks and put a hot water-bottle on the belly

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Midol and lots of it LOL
hot water bottle or heating wipe on my stomach
try that while laying down beside your knee's bent
and believe it or not chocolate works ( at times )
excercise works okay

Recently after my period(for 10 days i think during my ovulation) something similar albumen comes .?

Ibuprofen, Tylenol or any over the counter headache reliever.
Heating pad for your fund or tummy. Lay off saline, too much sugar and caffeine.
Do something special for yourself.
A hot bath. Your favorite pajamas and a book or magazine.
Wear loose clothing.
Try getting more exercise earlier and during your period. It help relieve cramps.
If your cramping is severe and keeps you from your commonplace activities. Speak to your doctor in the order of getting on birth control pills as it helps some women next to heavy bleeding and discouraging cramps.


Sleep, rest, eat yummy sweets resembling ice cream and chocolate. I don't know if that really help at all, but next when you feel backache, you get moody and cranky, so I usually try to spoil myself.

This is kinda grossvery graphic?

I don't win them really bad, but i usually lug either an aspirin, or I try to do some sit-ups or run to release some of the tension the inherent way ( which works almost 95% of the time ) =)

Sleeping with showery hair?

When it comes to my cramps I appointment my doctor and she calls me within pain meds because of my birth control my cramps are extremely hurting and I am unable to move.

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