Ok degrading question. i own really irregular periods-we're talking every 3months ish-any planning why?

they are not heavy or anything when they finally arrive and im usually not to worried but theres other an "omg! i might be pregnant" point and thats annoying. help and direction please


Is it normal to own irregular periods?

If you're not have lots of sex I wouldn't worry going on for pregnancy. If you were previously regular, and immediately you are not it could be a sign that something is wrong. If this has other been your cycle it may be everyday for you. If you have lost a great deal of weight not long, or if you are really underweight that effects your menstrual cycle greatly. You should talk to your regular doc or gyno if to be precise the case.

And if they can't find anything wrong next, honestly do you want to have more recurrently?! Lol seriously.

My breast?

don't worry something like getting pregnant unless you're having sex. also, it depends on your age. if you're only just starting to get your time of year, then irregular period are completely normal. administer it a few years. it'll stablize.

Is it normal to sweat highly easily?

i used to be matching way but mine be heavy. i would win on birth control. it will regulate your periods so ask your doctor which one would be best for you

Tummy tuck?

yOU SHOULD SEE A DOCTOR JUST TO CHECK THINGS OUT..bUT i WOULD SAY YOU ARE OK..i HAD IRREGULAR PERIODS FOR OVER 20 YEARS, SOMETIMES ONLY 3 TIMES A YEAR..NEVER GOT PREGNANT, but the Doctors never told me any medical aim why I couldn't ..So I was on BC pills for just about ten years, and then after when I be older I a moment ago left it to God...Never did receive pregnant & I am 52 now... the funny article is from 17 to 44 I only have my period 3-6 times a year, since 44 to very soon I have it every month. unless the Doctor can find a medical justification for your irregular periods, if u dont want to become pregnant u might estimate about the pill, it will regulate you.

What instruct do body measurements go within?

well i am not sexually active but I didn't bring mine for 4 months and it was really alarming... I think I didn't enjoy enough solid... if this is a problem for you it might be why

Can i.?

Consult your doctor and discuss going on birth control. Birth control pills not only regulate your period but will keep you from getting pregnant!

When is the best time in the monthly cycle to hold an hormonal test for oestrogen and/or progesteron?

Birth control pills

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