Birth Control plus Alcohol and it's effects..?

i've recently gone on the pill, and in the past going on it, i was competent to hold my alcohol etremely well. in a minute that i'm taking the pill and drinking, ive been extremely sick after 2 drinks beside not too much alcohol in them. my doc never told me that i'd procure this bad, or for that event she didnt mention drinking with the pill at adjectives. i thought it was perchance just a fluke but it have happened more than once. can i prevent this?

Is here anyway a girl could get pregnant from have sex even though she hasn't started her period but?

One way to prevetn is ask the doctor going on for another form of birthcontrol. I use the NuVa ring and I haven't noticed a modification in how I hold my alcohol!

Can hormones be paid your boobies grow?

sounds dangerous

Snoring problem?

stop drinking while pill if u don't u fundamentally very completely sick please don't drink

Why is my wife gaining cargo?

that's the first time i hear of such an effect. i would ask the doc to change the pill-there ismore than one product on the market-each near it's own side effects, active substance and so on.

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