Are vinegar douches out of danger?

I know douches are not good - they can interfere next to the PH balance. I am on the later day or so of my time and have feel a little discomfited. I have hear that we can make a colloquial douche with vinegar and sea - is this type of douche safe? Or are ALL douches desperate, even though it seems "automatic and safe"? If it is okay, what are the mixtures? And how do I insert it? Turkey baster? :)


Tilted uterus?

Whoa! No to the turkey baster! Seriously, douching with anything isn't a righteous idea. The vagina is a self-cleaning organ, quality of like the eye, individual messier. I know having your spell just feel so gross sometimes, but it always pass. Also, vinegar is not really something that you'd want to insert into the vagina. It may be irritating and make you quality worse.

Womens health press?

Dilute vinegar can be used to treat yeast infections, however in the absence of a yeast infection I would not use it as it will definitly adaptation the pH of your vagina.

Weird questions..for girls one and only?

Definitely not vinegar, but a solution from your local pharmacy should work fine.

Sex: Is it painful?

No,They can mess something up down here.Your period cleanse your body.That's why we own them every month.

Please help.I've in recent times had the Mirena coil fitted?

lol Turkey baster. OK first marine and vinegar is a normal solution that lots women use. i would recommend more water than vinegar. you can travel to the store to buy a bulb with a syringe or a special fountain. dont use anything that wasn't designed for it because it could be dangerous. i also dont recommend doing it at adjectives....but if you have to do it undamagingly.

Is there any entity besides birth control that can shorten your period?

Douching in any form is remarkably bad.

Very doomed to failure habit ,give support to?

A lot of the pre-mixed douches are vinegar/water, they are safe, its of late not recommended that you do it adjectives that often, If you're going to mix your own (I'm guessing ) 25% vinegar 75% hose. Personally I'd just use plain wet, it will cleanse you all like. They make an actual douche bag/ bottlel, most drug stores transport them, otherwise buy the pre-mixed ones they are already in a handy little bottle beside tip to insert, and step by step instructions on how to use it the proper way.

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