One of my boobs is bigger than the other?

okay so like

im 15
and i started getting boobs when i was

so immediately im a 36c but

my right boob is like smaller like to wear is doesnt steep the cupp

i mean i wana show clevage

but i mean it looks somewhat

akward in my opion

and i think guys wood discern

does that mean maybe my boobs are still GROWING

basis i mean my mom has double dees but

i dont boobs that bigg :l

yipppes please heppp

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Typically you aren't really done growing until you are around 20ish, with that being said...nearby can be all types of 'boob' fluctuations depending on the time of month, the levels of hormones, etcetera. Most girls own one boob that is slightly bigger then the other, I really wouldn't verbs about it too much. Make sure you attract the right guys when you are showing off your 15 year ripened clevage.

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Girls don't stop growing until between 16 and 21, so you are probably still growing a bit. Cannot say that your breasts are still growing, but you may grow a little taller. As for your breasts, it is slightly common for one breast to be bigger than the other. Most women have this come about. Guys don't typically notice those things, so don't worry going on for it. Actually, at 15, I would be worried more about school and friends fairly than attracting guys. You will have plenty of time for guys. But if you do still want to show cleavage, make sure it isn't a great deal and that you don't attract the wrong type of guys. In other words, just be careful. Focus on your schooling and friends and you will find the right guy surrounded by time. In the meantime, try not to stress out about the size of your breasts and the fact that one is bigger than the other since this is everyday.

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You're 15. You should not be showing cleavage. That is a very trashy thing to do, and it will single attract trashy men.
Anywho, your breasts are still growing, this will be normal, actually, they will probably other be uneven. Its normal for one side of your body to be larger than the other. Don't verbs, if you're not showing it off, then who care.

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Give it a few more years you could still be growing. If its real awkward you could get a bra next to removable padding and remove the padding on the bigger side to even things up. Don't bring back discouraged most women have a small difference in in that boobs.

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It's completely normal. Usually the breast on the side of your body opposite your dominant foot is larger. (i.e. If you are right handed, your left breast will be larger). If you look painstakingly at your body, that whole SIDE of your body is slightly larger (including your brain)

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this is normal adjectives boobs are not the same size one is always bigger. to look right i in recent times tighten the right side a little more and it is ok.

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guys dont observe... neither will girls usually unless u point it out and it could stay like that the rest of ur life..

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firstly, breasts transfer their size and shape depending on a number of things, such as where you are surrounded by your menstrual cycle and whether or not you're putting on weight or losing it. it may be as you get elder they will be more similar.

regarding having one a different size to another, various women have this, just as tons women have one size foot larger than the other. chances are it's with the sole purpose noticeable to you, and i can't see that anyone would notice if you're wearing a low cut top (certainly from my experience, i'd say-so a guy wouldn't notice, guys seem to focus on the things they find attractive in the order of a lady rather than travel looking for flaws)

regarding having breasts approaching your mother, as with most things it seems (to me, anecdotally) that some associates are genetically disposed to having ones of a particular size or shape. you may own breasts similar to a woman on your father's side of the family or your mother's OR some that seem completely different... it's close to eye or hair color.

from speaking to my female friends it seem most of us were concerned about the size or shape of our breasts at nearly your age, but by about 18-20 they got over worrying and approved that their breasts were fine (or even lovely!). chances are you will too!

finally (and this is also to some of the other respondents), i can clearly remember human being 15 equally worrying that all different parts of me weren't perfect but also wanting to dress surrounded by a more adult manner. if you want to show a bit of cleavage because it'd product you feel good nearly yourself or just because you think it'd be fun, next i say do so! :) just be smart going on for it, you know that we all judge respectively other on how we look. (oh, and less is more)

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