Menstration?girls & doctors answer this please!?

uh well when I'm on my extent I guess I tend to be really emotional and if anyone starts conversation to me I just burst into tears or if someone is newly joking around beside me I start to tear up and I really cant agree to anyone.I dont know why but its always previously my period, I cant sermon to anyone...I feel tired and thinned that I daze off within class and well I seriously dont know what I enjoy been research in academy now sometimes? And if I do discuss to someone when i feel so moving, I dont make sense and I consistency like crying roughly speaking that! ..this happens 1-2 times a month and most habitually at the end of the conservatory year!. and after I feel better I consistency soooo weak, that I cant even pick up my history book and nation can tell that I look sick. my friends sometimes ask me if im bulimic or want to be anorexic? Im not sure if this happen becasue I might have insomnia?or too much anxiety?

HAHAAHAHFunny non womens robustness related story I want to share with you!?

It sounds resembling you've got a really desperate case of PMS. Combine this next to end-of-year stress, plus possible anemia and you are feeling similar to a mess.

I would recommend going to see a doctor. They can run a few tests to see if you're anemic and opt whether your symptoms warrant hormone supplements to help next to the moodiness.

Is it true doctors listen to music in the operating room?

its called pms. It happen to most girls. I guess it just really affects u..but u own no un natural symptoms.Hope u return with to feeling better. You will soon:)

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it happens to most women, including me. its zilch about anxiety or insomnia...its simply with person a woman

Do periods come nearer or later the subsequent month?

When you lose blood, you can become anemic (short on iron), which can make you tired. Emotions can construct you tired, too. Talk to your doctor about iron anemia and your overwhelming emotion. Sometimes the birth control pill can help regulate it.

Please look..lots of pressure?

Yeah those are the oh so wonderful things in the region of being a girl. It sucks I know... it happen to a majority of us girls. It happens to me. Sometimes I in recent times get so upset of the dumbest things, but its section of pms. If you are really feeling sick, I don`t know you should try midol. It helps ALOT.

If the hysterosonogram's results be fine, is it necessary to do an endometrial biopsy also?

hun, this is majority.

it happens to me(and most women) EVERY month.

trust me, it get better over the years. your hormones are just running haywire right immediately because youre new to the undamaged "period thing".

what help me feel better is some Midol, a heat up bath, fragrant candles, comfort food (like ice cream), and watching movies.

but avoid brackish foods while you're menstruating. they can make cramps worse.

also, if you procure too upset in class, in recent times ask to go to the department or a quiet place where on earth you can have a bit of a breather. some alone time.

i hope this help, and i hopoe things get better for you soon.

but remember; time heal all wounds.

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Girl questions?

A lot of women catch really emotional on their period. It's a normal entity.. & When I'm on mine, I know I take things more personal A LOT more than I typically do. It's just something that you've gotta concord with. The tired piece, I get that too .. & My friends convey me I look sick. Maybe you should get some prescription from your doctor. Tell them that your periods are messing up how your days budge at school & things similar to that. & They might put you on birth control .. & the anxiety could have something to do near it . I know they're always proverb one problem is connected to something else.. & being stressed or anxious can regulation things about your body..

Please relief! What could this be?

What you are going through is a symtoms of ur period nought else so dont worry. I baptize for it is Post traumatic stress syndrome or Post traumatic stress disorder. Just talk to ur doc in the region of it ,you will be fine.

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I don't know how old you are, but these are classic PMS symptoms. Did this of late start? Or has it be like this adjectives along? This is a normal set of symptoms, but they are severe ample to make you verbs. The weakness is a concern... you might hold a hormonal imbalance over and above the PMS. There are some medication that can control severe PMS, but you need to trademark an appointment with your gynocologist to tolerate him know how bad the symptoms are.

Ovulation (for Ladies)?

It's run of the mill to feel more moving and cranky nearing as well as during your period. Fatigue is also part and parcel of it. As you to hand the time your period starts, your hormone level go into rather bit of a crazed mode, causing what is specified as PMS to us. The loss of blood during your periods will bring u to br more fatigued, and, due to stress, you might be suffering from a tiny bit of insomnia, which makes u even more cranky and tired.

Do settle to your doctor about it, he might be capable of prescribe you some iron pills to help out beside the anaemia that results from blood loss during your periods. Also, if you perceive this way most of the time, you might be slightly anaemic. Get yourself check-up, it'll sustain clear any other questions that you may own.

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PMS.thats what it happen to most women right before their period and its normal for some to return with PMS worse than others...Good Luck...if u want more info go to again..GOOD LUCK!

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