My period is slow,pregnancy test gloomy?

my period is over a week slow,have bleak stomach cramp,but pregnancy test results cynical.could a pelvic inflamatory disease cause this,or an infection.have anyone any ideas or suggestions please?

Ladies: It is possible to kinda other be?

Please see a doctor. Pain is not a sign of pregnancy.

PID does cause headache.

Your pain, and the absenteeism of your period could be cause by a number of things. More after likely it is not natural life threatenings, but you need to be evaluated and treated.

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Go acquire a prefessional preg. test.

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youre too strident.. its just mild..


critical thinkin' lead to negative results, sometimes..

its lately an abnormality ok?

go go and get some biology class.

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I am not a doctor! But have you be in profoundly of stress? I know that can cause it, too. Just to fashion sure... seek a doctor?


Is it possible that u r pregnant? If yes, walk to ur clostest A&E and they will probably send u to CAU, they will do another pregnancy experiment and scan u to see what's wrong.I've worked on an EPU/CAU ward before that's y i am giving u that advise
but if u r pregnant u shouldnt enjoy no pain

It can nouns very objectionable. Can you have papsmear done even you hold your period?

youre a moment ago stressed because you're afraid of getting pregnant..

Why is my period postponed?

There are other things that can cause your length to be late besides pregnancy such as stress, solidity gain or loss. Those over-the-counter pregnancy test are usually pretty acurate. If you be aware of really sick go to the doctor.

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If you enjoy just just this minute started, your periods will be irregular because of your hormones.If you own started years ago, then you should stir to the doctors. They know best.

First Time?

From the available information it means your length is late and you're not pregnant. If you haven't be messsing with any one eyed trouser snakes, I'd read out to pursue this from the health angle.

Uterine fibroids?

if you enjoy just come stale a birth control pill that could be a reason why your spell is late or conceivably you are stressed out about something and not realise it that happen to me and i got away for a few days to relax myself and my term came other sagacious go and see your gp and capture your self checked out. good luck

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This have happened to me beforehand and it was zilch to worry in the order of, didnt actually find out what the inflict was though as approaching the others say it can be that tons reasons.

If in attendance is a chance you could be pregnant e.g missed a pill after go to the doctors and ask them to do a testing or even a blood test.

I own a friend who can only relate she is pregnant from a blood test so if near is any chance you should achieve checked out.

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