How long should someone take the birth control pills Ortho Tri-Cyclen back engaging contained by sex and be protected?

I've never taken birth control pills in my energy. However, my GYN recently prescibe it to me to regulate my irregular menstruation. Howevever, I can also benefit from it during coitus. I recognize that you start the pack on a Sunday and that the pills must be taken at the same time day after day. However, How long must you be taking the pill before you can without risk engage within sex and be protected from unwanted pregnancy? Is 2 weeks enough?

Bleeding during sex?

If you don't want to procure pregnant, don't copulate.

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2 Weeks is recommended. It hasn't failed me and my partner.

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no it's not. you should help yourself to your first pill the first day of your interval. after you've used the first pack then you are protected. also remember that teh pill doesn't protect you against any stds merely pregnancy.

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my doctor told me that on average for almost everyone the first 3 months usually are messed up becuase it akes a long time for your body to receive used to the pill and let the pill bring over your hormone control. (the first month for me i was taking it exactly alike time everyday but my month was particularly messed up, i started my period in the region of a week early and i freaked, but adjectives the doctors told me this was incredibly normal and it could nick about 3 months for it in actuality to work right). now that i'm taking it equal time everyday this month is fine, but i'd be on the safe side and at most minuscule not have sex till the 2nd or 3rd month or after only to be safe b/c the pill might not work fully powerfully yet

Is this wrong or poisonous?

No.I take like peas in a pod thing for duplicate reason and you are suppose to continue until u start the next pack,lurk for the first pack to be gone

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