Changing birthcontrol?

ive been taking mircette after started to use desogen last year so ive be taking oral contraceptives for 4 years now i be wondering if any women out there are using any other types of contraceptives what you did/didnt similar to about your birthcontrol ive be thinking bout changing mine

How do i countdown my menstrual cycle in days?

Hi nearby. There are so many option. Examine why you want to change your birth control method. I found that the contraceptive sponge is posterior and found that many physicians don't recommend it because of its dead loss rate.All birth control pills have potential adverse side effects. Depo Provera is as you know an injection given every 90 days. 80% that use it will enjoy no menses after about a year of use. Spotting is adjectives when first used. Weight gain and osteoporosis are possible problems. NuvaRing is a once a month vaginal ring that slowly releases hormones that stop ovulation. IUD's are better tolerated by women who have have children.Periods may be heavier and harder cramps for some. Ectopic pregnancy risk is higher.The patch is getting a impossible rap lately.It's a once a week thing. Diaphrams are a hassle and abundant get misfitted resulting in pregnancy.There are some Planned Parenthoods that progress on a sliding scale for reward. There might be one in your town explicitly federally funded and the others are more expensive. The Depo Provera injection costs 45 dollars every 3 months. The initial one is 60 dollars. Why, I'm not sure.Condoms are just a necessity at the moment because of all the serious STDs Coitus Interuptus is really not a apt idea (pull out beforehand ejaculation) The rhythm method is not reliable because our cycles do not always work resembling clock work.I believe birth control pills and Depo Provera are the best methods available for effectiveness. Good luck on your query.

YAZ birth control pills, side effects, NSAIDS?

I'm not a female perceptibly but I am in the medical area and alot of the women I know use the depo shot and they love it maybe ask you ob/gyn around it.

Is it true that if you have a heavier term then you are more fertile.?

i be on seasonale for almost 2 years. that's the one that you take 3 months at a time and singular have 4 period a year. i absolutely loved it. i've be on other pills but it was lately so different. it didn't make me gain cargo and of course i loved not have a period as normally. pills don't have as plentiful risks as shots either so it's a great alternative. i've hear good things around the nuva ring so far. and very tremendously bad things roughly the patch. good luck contained by your search for bc.

What does it niggardly if you have a unwary on your genitals?

im on is effective near little side effects been taking it 4 3 years..singular change if u obligation 2.if there r no primary dramas with the one your on immediately i wouldnt bother..=)

PEASE answer?

I love my IUD. I never have to thieve a pill, and it's a rapid return to fertility when you embezzle it out. It doesn't dose your body with profusely of harmones either.

EMERGENCY!! What if the tampon's stuck WAAAAY up nearby?

My girlfriend was taking depravara??sorry do not know the spelling ,it is a shot once every 3months and loved it lone every 3 months and the best part she like was the facted that her monthly friend stop coming by every month

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