How can I cheer myself up?

I'm feeling incredibly down and enjoy been for yesteryear week. here's whats been going on beside my life thus far:

- My grampie, be brought to the hospital because they thought he had a stroke but turned out it be something to do with his red blood cell, he had 5 blood transfusions and be discharged on Tuesday
- Tuesday, this guy who I've kinda been dating, he told me that even though he have asked if we could wait to be boyfriend and girlfriend and immediately things were soporific down for him, he didn't think he needed a girlfriend now and apologized for central me on
- I can't understand the guy i've be dating, i really like him, and he tell me he still really likes me and really want me to progress to prom with him
- From Tuesday to Saturday this week, my grampie have lost use of his left arm, and have lost an addition 10 lbs within the past few days, making it atleast 23 lbs in olden times 2 and a half weeks
- Today my grampie collasped, he can't do massively much with his not here side, they feel hes

I deliberate I broke my vagina.?

You poor dear, go ahead and lock yoursself surrounded by your room and have a correct cry. Holding it in and trying to be strong for everyone else makes you miserable, you have need of to cry for a bit even though you might be exhausted and have a headache afterword you will start to perceive alot better. You've had a disastrous time, if you are religious you can also pray that helps alot. I'm feeling like to bet that just writing it down help abit too, more of not trrying to be strong and holding everything in. Remember one thing God never gives you more than He know you can handle, even if it feel like your lafe is contained by shambles and falling down around you. I'll keep you and your nearest and dearest in my prayers.

Microgynon 30 merely been prescribed this, and of late wanted to know..?

Reading my Bible other cheers me up.

I'm having problems masterbating near my partner. Don't get me wrong I love have sex / making love to him.

I always relay a person that a cut can't make well until it's been open and cleansed. Sometimes all a personality needs is to cry, cry to dust away the pain, cry to realize the discomfort, cry to just cry. What is going on beside your Grampie is sad, it's heartbreaking to you, and although you want to be strong for others you obligation to be strong for yourself, and that means allowing yourself to surface upset and feel anguish.

This is what goes on contained by life, and I don't know if you've ever have anyone close to you die, but I'm almost 21 and I haven't, and it worries me everyday that this may be the last hours of daylight I have next to such and such people, domestic. If you try too hard to be strong for everyone else, you'll ignore your own needs and won't know how to move on and won't know how to eventually enjoy the moments you enjoy left next to him.

As for the guy you've been gentle of dating, if he doesn't know whether he wants you or not afterwards he's not the one for you, plain and simple.

"The truth is everybody changes every year and some things are more devastating than others, but we never are the same and nearby are two ways to deal beside these changes - you any accept them or you quarrel them like hell adjectives the way."

My girlfriends nipples are varying colors what does this me?

Sometimes you just inevitability to talk. It's moral to let it out anonymously on the internet but i suggest you label use of your guidance cousellor. Sometimes it helps to consent to it out to someone who you know won't judge you or natter about you at the rear your back (ie: friends). They can present some good coping counsel too.

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